MovieChat Forums > Fresh Meat (2011) Discussion > Paul Lamb the Invisible Man

Paul Lamb the Invisible Man

I didn't really take any notice of this until the final episode... I thought the invisible flatmate was a guy who just hadn't turned up. Now it seems he has actually been living there most of the term (except for the last 4 weeks)..? I don't get it. Then Howard secretly videos him in his room? Why have they never met him? How does his mum recognise Howard and Kingsley?


in the episode where they were having a party he was throwing jps gym stuff out of the window so i just assumed he was there but just always avoided them


Same here, I think he was just always holed up in his room, so nobody ever saw him. As for how his mum recognised Howard and Kingsley...maybe Paul was observing them undetected (much the same way that Howard was spying on him with the video cameras), and was able to give his mum detailed descriptions?


I wondered what that scene where JP's gym kit was thrown out the window was all about. I was so puzzled when JP ran up the stairs & pleaded with some unseen person on the other side of the door. However I'd forgotten about it until now.

Thanks for explaining it.


He's an extreme version of the kind of housemate that many people in university (sharing with strangers) will experience - they're the person that is always out of the house or holed up in their room who you barely see for days or weeks at a time.

Another Wil Wheaton sausage fest...


he's probably looked through his window, too

Buffy vs Edward: Twilight Remixed


I was a real "Paul Lamb the Invisible Man" in near identical circumstances so I know the character very well.

I did live in a student house in Manchester (although I was not a student), I never took part in the student partys at the house (staying in my own room throughout) and I did have a nervous breakdown while living there.

The point is he is always around it is just that because he never socializes with the other characters in the student house/pub/university he never or barely registers in their recollections/memories of him.
He has a breakdown, yet those living in the same house never knew.
He knows the other students very well, well enough to describe them accurately to his own mother, yet the other students knew nothing about him and basically did not want to know either.

I am surprised that the writers just did not use the Invisible Man tag for the character because in reality when you are this type of individual literally no one can even be bothered to rememeber your name.

A most enjoyable true to life series, I can find no faults with it at all...


Interesting response, markaisan. In my first year I was put in a flat with 4 other girls and I never socialised with them either, but we didn't ignore each other. They were always gong to clubs wearing matching nurse outfits or whatever and I really couldn't be doing with any of it. They must have thought I was either a snob or just really uncool, probably both, can't say I was bothered in any case. But they were nice enough people and I didn't hide from them in the flat. Why did you hide away, was it the experience of being at uni that you found overwhelming?
There was a girl in the year below me at school who wore pigtails and calf-length skirts and big glasses, walkied around on her own, looked like the biggest cliche of a "loser". A couple of years later she walked into a pub I was working in, transformed into the most stunning girl with gorgeous clothes and hair, older boyfriend, the lot. We got chatting about school (I had never spoken to her whilst there) and she told me how she hated it so much, the cliquey groups etc. that she purposefully made herself look as nerdy and weird as possible, basically just to rebel against the cool girls. Is this related to what the invisible man is doing? It seems a bit extreme since the group is a real mixture of characters anyway, all with their own insecurities, couldn't he have made an effort to get along with at least one of them? Why live in that kind of shared house?
