Music on Netflix cut

I've been watching a couple of episodes on Netflix cause it doesn't have ads like All4. In 2 episodes now I've noticed they've changed music in certain scenes.
Season 2 Ep 7 - Kingsley is recruiting Oregon for his band. In the original episode Oregon sings Black Velvet but in the Netflix cut she sings a different song.
Season 2 Ep 8- after party in the house. In the original the song is Charming Man by the Smyths, Netflix cut is a song I don't recognise.
Just wondering if anyone knows why? It doesn't take away from the story line I anything but the music was always a good part of the show for me, particularly the closing credits songs.


Just spotted another one. Season 2 episode 5. Scene with Josie and Heather getting ready to go out. Original cut is Teeth - Lady Gaga. Different music in the Netflix cut.
