made you think

Gripping movie. made you think about the consequences of the decisions higher ups make.


Indeed. Powerful film.

"Time is the fire in which we burn."


It made me think how idiotic politicians are and it made me think how much better this movie would be if the drone pilots weren't emotional basketcases in the wrong line of work. This bugged me. Those actors way over did it. You can convey inner conflict without tears teetering on the brink of your eye lids!


Yes it did, even if I found it a bit stilted and contrived - it still made you think. I liked how it made you get inside the head of each participant and perhaps made you think - how would I feel if I was the politician, the colonel, the general, the pilots, the military lawyer, the payload damage assessor etc. All having to make a decision there and then that could have huge consequencies for your conscience, career, country, peace, saving actual lives - and taking them.
