Making terrorists?

I personally think the drone war is highly immoral because of many reasons. First, we as people never can be sure if we get told the whole truth - have the targets really been terrorists? Or only suspects? I mean, the details of the operations are always top secret. What about "everyone deserves a trial to defend themselves"? But there are many more questions, too many to discuss here (soldier's conscience etc).
But somehow I also understand that drone strikes exist, I don't know a better solution. What I find scary is how many people say "hey, it's just one kid, it's worth the price". They never seem to imagine themselves as the parents of this child or that the girl could be their child. Quite trigger-happy. But the consequences must be discussed. Just because it's in another country these people don't have a lesser right to live than you. And what I rarely read here: in the end, drone war also feeds terrorism. A lot of people start to hate Western countries because they loose family and friends to drone strikes. I would guess many of them think about getting revenge then and maybe join terrorist groups. It's a vicious cycle.
No idea how realistic the processes and technology in this movie are but for the mind it is a good and important thinking game about morale and guilt and war and what makes us human.
