Tilda miscast?

I just didn't buy her as a rock star.

And that guy was super hott. In real life would he really wanna be with conan obrien?


Never heard of Annie Lennox?


Tilda's never miscast. One of the last chameleon ladies left out there and the film's only redeeming factor.

I find particularly strange that someone wouldn't buy her as a rock star, given the recurring comparisons between her and Bowie and that she might play him in the future.




I completely agree. Tilda Swinton as a stadium rocker, no way. Yes, I totally get that they were trying to make in the Bowie mould, but Bowie's own looks were pretty marginal. Something guys can get by with, especially if they don various personas as Bowie did.

Sadly this just fly as far as women go. Think of the women who could fill a stadium - by and large they don't look like Ziggy Stardust or Tilda Swinton. And they usually aren't Tilda's age.

This is not something I endorse, it is just the way of the world.


I am a big fan of Tilda Swinton's, however, she was miscast in this movie. She seemed uncomfortable in the singing scenes. And it was apparent she was mimicking a singer rather than the embodiment of one. Guessing from this performance, she must have no musical abilities.

I do agree she was channelling a David Bowie/Ziggy vibe.


I thought the same thing! I didn't buy her as a stadium filling rock star.

Seeing a reminder of Annie Lennox in this thread, okay, well, there is that. Also possibly Madonna.
But I still felt like Tilda was missing the mark.
