Unanswered questions

I really liked the movie but I felt it had some unanswered questions:

How much did Sara know?

What was she doing with Ryan?

Why did she say at the very beginning that they couldn't marry?

Could she have been the one who somehow, whether by chance or deceit, procured the diamonds?

I also wondered if her words to her sister when she turned away from the door might have been some code that would get the sister/brother-in-law to question things and send help. Especially with the brother-in-law being a cop, I kept expecting that to play into the drama. Did you feel the same way?

Any solutions greatly appreciated.


Just watched it today. I think Sara knew about the diamonds for two reasons. When Hollander tells Chad to make him a drinks with lots of ice Sara immediately told Hollander to come outside and check the pots because she knew Chad would then find the diamonds in the ice tray and would try to kill Hollander..... Which he did try to do

Then of course was the ending when Sara gathers the remaining diamonds puts them back in the ice tray with water then right back into the freezer

Never got enough backstory to know how she and Ryan met so not sure why they couldn't marry.

With everything I explained above she could very well have been in on the diamond heist

I saw this movie today on Netflix only it was called Blindsided

It felt like this movie was missing something though. It was a little flat

"Shotgun! Anal!"


Thanks. That sounds right ... I didn't realize about sending Hollander out to the terrace, but, yeah, Sara must have known where the diamonds were ... except how could she expect Chad to find them? I wasn't sure I felt he was all that smart, which might translate into not being all that observant. If Sara was in on the heist, I wonder if the diamonds could have had something to do with Afghanistan, like maybe she found them there/met Ryan there.

I agree that the filmmakers could have possibly connected more dots to make this more exciting. I think they may have included Sara's complicity to make the movie less like Wait Until Dark ... I don't remember if the heroine in that movie was aware of or instrumental in anything corrupt; I don't remember her as having been. Of course, Sarah could have just been aware because of Ryan's trusting her, and she may have had to trust him because she was so helpless. Maybe that's why she was demurring on marriage ... because she had found out about his criminal ways. At any rate, if this ever gets rewritten (again ... apparently there was a movie about 10 years ago called Nowhere In Sight that was quite similar to this or that this was a rewrite of) it might be neat if there was more intrigue, like the diamonds and Ryan somehow dating back to before Sara was blind. By the way, I felt a little confused by the woman and the doll at the beginning. I take it the doll was a bomb which somehow blinded Sara without killing her, but the way they zoomed in on the woman's eyes I thought they were indicating more significance than there turned out to be. I almost wondered if the doll could have been the repository for the diamonds. Alas, all those types of threads could potentially have been tied together to make something a little more complicated and interesting, you are right. Future rewriters of this movie, take note?!


I thought the whole story line with her sister and cop brother in law fell of the edge of a cliff real fast. Did not need either of their characters in the movie at all. Thought there would be alot more. Especially when they came to her apartment...but then whoops....her water broke...sorry gotta go, see you at the hospital. WTF???

"Shotgun! Anal!"


Exactly !!!

That could have been another element of intrigue ... their figuring things out and somehow helping out. But maybe the movie was a little bit like Vin Diesel's first movie, or one of his first. He said he was shooting a movie in New York and ran out of money so they had to wrap it up really fast !! Sometimes you're supposed to understand things because of editing that a few more scenes might have really helped to explain.


Yes, when he asked when he could turn that necklace into a ring, she said something like "We've talked about this before, what happens, happens." Sounded like a no, but then that really makes no sense.

I thought and was hoping there would be some more with the sister and brother-in-law. I strongly felt that the last thing she said to them when she was closing the door being, "SEE you later" would have been caught by the cop as code somehow as in, "she would never say 'SEE you later' as she is blind. Something is wrong!"

The 2 crooks seemed to swap places morally at one point which seemed very odd. No big deal though.

Also, at the end, all Keaton had to do was throw a piece of the pots in one direction and then bum rush her to secure the firearm.


All good points ... yeah, it was like it was unfinished. I was trying to figure out what it was about what she said to the brother-in-law and sister that would have tipped them off and I think you nailed it. So, again, you're left wondering if there could have been more. The movie-makers could have said to themselves, Well, that's what can happen in real life ... your supposed rescuers are clueless. But she didn't need them anyway.

I didn't watch carefully enough toward the end to realize the crooks had swapped places morally. Oh, you mean Brad got nicer? You're right, maybe the Keaton character could have faked her out. But then, again, she was pretty smart. Maybe was intimidated enough and maybe getting tired too enough to make mistakes, especially as he was the bad guy and bad doesn't win we hope.

I came on here because of a major plot hole I forgot to posit. Perhaps you all would like to take a look at the post major plot hole and see if you might wish to respond to it. :)
