A weak plot point

The lesbian thing.

In the film Emily did not in any way suggest herself to be bisexual. Siebert did not either. The murder plot's basis comes down to Emily's confession that two got sexually involved one day?

Straight women mad at their husbands realistically don't just hike their skirts for their female psychiatrists. Professional psychiatrists realistically don't suddenly give into kinky displays from the couch.

It seems like the (male) writer had to find some way to make the story plausible--or even at least function.

"I got it! <snap> They're horny man-hating get-rich-quick chicks! Eureka!"

But yes, of course, I understand this movie is simply a lurid potboiler. It's just that contemporary filmmakers try to pass off these works as 'true to life' and 'realistic'.

Not a bad film; just some laughably phony plot points.

(I did chuckle when Jon prescribed a drug that would make Emily's ever-so-well-kept hair fall out. Her consistently sexy mane was a dead giveaway.)


You misunderstood. Siebert was a closeted lesbian - something she revealed to Emily during their sessions. Her marriage was 'a meeting of minds only'.

Emily was straight, but she wasn't above using sex to manipulate Siebert. Sexual manipulation is a comfortable part of her toolkit.

Look at how she continued sex with Martin, for whom she had no love. We've seen her use sex, and the best predictor of future behavior is past behavior. She even talks about how she learned at a young age how to fake her feelings.


"Siebert was a closeted lesbian - something she revealed to Emily during their sessions. Her marriage was 'a meeting of minds only'. Emily was straight, but she wasn't above using sex to manipulate Siebert. Sexual manipulation is a comfortable part of her toolkit."

Yes, all are cheap, invented tactics to save this a stinker of a plot and script.



I don't think it was necessary for the plot to make the two ladies lovers. They could have just as well have been simple crime partners.


I was actually thinking they were mother and daughter when it was first revealed they were still in contact.
