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'Rust and Bone' will be shown at Tournées French Film Festival

Annual Tournées Festival brings seven French feature films to Johns Hopkins

The Tournées Festival, now in its fifth year, will bring seven French-language films to Johns Hopkins University's Homewood campus.

The screenings are all free and open to the public. All films are in French with English subtitles.

The movies include a physical comedy, thrillers, a behind-the-scenes documentary on a fabled restaurant, and Leos Carax's art-house favorite Holy Motors.

March 2—Rust and Bone, 3 p.m., Hodson 110: Jacques Audiard's visceral drama of two fractured lives—Ali, a burly, stoic bruiser down on his luck, and Stéphanie (Marion Cotillard), a former whale trainer who has lost her legs in a horrific accident. After the movie there will be a discussion led by Linda Delibero, director of the Film and Media Studies program.

For more details visit the festival website.
