Is it a special effect?

How did they film this? looked very real to me!


As a serious method actor, Marion Cotillard went through two leg amputations in order to play the part of Stéphanie.


LOL!!! Funny :D

I just finished watching this film, very moving film, I loved the sensitivity amongst all the violence...I want to say some more but I will read up a bit more before I continue...I came into this thread wanting to say the same thing, that the VFX looked incredibly realistic and believable, thumbs up!

...I wish you love ..


The same technique Gary Sinise used in "Forrest Gump."


And she's such a serious method actress that she decided to grow her two legs agin to play Miranda Tate in The Dark Knight Rises. She's really impressive...
The higher you fly, the faster you fall.


I wish I could give you a like for this post!


I'm asking the same thing. It's unbelievable.
Anyone have trusted information about this?


of course it`s an effet, for crying out loud Marion Cottillard has been in dozens of big budget movies, including Taxi and Big Fish and she still has her legs...

it`s called MOVIE MAGIC for a reason folks!


I think it's just like what they did with the special effects in Black Swan --- with the head replacement there, the extremely bizarre crooked legs of Portman in one scene --- so that making Cotillard legless isn't that incredible anymore.

There a YouTube vid how they did it in Black Swan, quite detailed :

This one below about the special effects in Rust and Bone is not as well detailed, it looked to me as simply cgi'd, the process must be complicated though. In an interview with Schoenaerts and Cotillard, they said the guys responsible for those were really quick with the effects.

Truth inexorably,inscrutably seeks and reveals Itself into the Light.


Torian06 - thanks for the video -- that was just what I was looking for. Like all magic, it looks so simple when you see how it's done. A little disappointing, even. It worked for me during the movie tho

And all's fair in love and war?
[primly] I don't know about war.


Thanks for the links. Fascinating, especially Black Swan.


It was done effectively as early as 1952 when Jose Ferrer played Toulouse-Lautrec in the original Moulin Rouge.



Well, what they did is that they put green screen around her legs, then cuts it off during post-production and makes it look like they have been amputated. Just as easy as that.

Fear not the darkness, but welcome its embrace.


It looks simple when they just show you the before and after shots but there´s quite a bit of work involved in each shot. Matte paintings of the backrounds, CG stumps, texturing and lighting to match the plates. They really nailed it. Excellent work

Fork It!


