Unity online?

Unfortunately I requested my local cinema to see this but it wasn't available. ..does anyone know where I can see it? Been waiting 4 years for it! I loved earthlings....so life changing and I'm sure this will follow suit...


The film is terrible.


Why is it terrible?


Simply put it is an essay or sermon that is contradictory or over explained, confusingly presented and poorly researched. Most 'for' the film like its message (be nice to each other, be vegan), most 'against' hate its bad presentation and poor logic (celebrity photos and text scrolling, animals don't eat meat so we shouldn't).

Oh yeah, it's also really a bunch of YouTube videos put together too. Insults your intelligence no matter what your beliefs.

(For the record I eat free range, my own vegetables and very little processed anything, I march in peace protests and never joined the army, so I'm middle ground as far as this film goes).


Yeah I'm not a vegan or anything but I've waited a long time to see it, ill let u know how it was when I finally get to view it, cheers for input mate


you loved earthlings... in what way? since you apparently still eat meat.. I really wonder how anyone can do that after have watched Earthlings...
