
crap. Extremely poor acting. The little girl is not at all scary, if anything she is cute - and far more interesting than any of the older talent. What a waste of time.



Ha ha ha ha yeah, probably the best thing about the flick


Thanks for the advice. I shall avoid it.


Yep. Crappity-crap-crap. Bummed I spent $4.99 OnDemand. Should have come to IMDB first. Ugh.


They should have warned us this was a 20 something movie AND horror. That would have avoided me from even glancing at it for that is about the worst category to watch. Everyone's a starter here, don't tell me that can even be remotely good...


Just watched it and I have to agree. It was rated on Showtime as TV-MA which usually means it is a titty movie. Well it doesn't even have that. I kinda liked Megan but it seems this is about the only movie she has ever made.
