liked it

nice little movie. always thinking about the time paradox effect with these movie. gave it a 7


I really enjoyed it & thought it was great to see Haley Joel Osment acting again.

I gave it a 8

"We all die. The goal isn't to live forever, the goal is to create something that will."


i liked it too, gave it a 7 although still thinking of changing it to an 8, great movie <<<----HD Drive filled with Movies/TV Shows


8.5. i liked all the talk concerning the 31 seismic events, some of which hit the axis so hard it has actually lessened the earths day by milliseconds, that effect the balance of planetary mass altering the rate of the earths spin.
very interesting stuff. i only wish the movie was longer.


Same here, very thoughtful film. I'm glad they went with the suicide to make his father return. And not where I thought it would lead, him accidentally killing his father.
I got to the end hoping it had been longer as well. characters were the important story here, the sci-fi just gave it a bit more depth.


nice movie...a bit slow......5/10..(perhaps need a 6..)


Same here. Very emotional, good acting, and I also liked the "twist" in the end.

I used to have an X-Files quote in my signature.
