My opinion

there are two points I would like to make about this film:
a) I liked it. Maybe it's no masterpiece, but it's an intriguing film full of suspense. It's well-acted (Sandra Bullock overacts in every single shot of the Blind Side and she got an Academy award for that). I also liked the scenery and the landscapes, especially the one from the plane wing and the one from the church bell. Psychologically, the characters are not heroes, just normal people through very stressing situations, who wouldn't go a little bit crazy?

b) It's a pity it underperformed so much at the big screen. The special effects were realistic, the film has a big name from Spanish cinema (Maribel Verdú), a quite attractive man to the public opinion (Antonio Garrido) and a hot model (Andrés Velencoso). So, why was it such a failure financially? I've seen much worse Hollywood crap getting to the audience's pockets. Why are there not even comments on imdb? It's a pity that there's so little interest from Spanish audiences concerning Spanish cinema. And no, I don't think it's all bad.


Agree. I too think it's not bad, and could be more interesting if it was more discussed...I'm very disapointed with this empty board...


because of you 2 i am going to watch it and see :) ......


I totally agree with you. The scenery actually stood out for me in that I thought it was unusual for such appreciation for the locations natural beauty was evident from a director. It actually made me want to go myself :-)

OK so it wasn't an outstanding movie, but it would be a keeper in any dvd collection that was being decluttered over and above such a lot of the dross that has been marketed to us over the last 10 years. It has unexpected twists, it has suspense (admittedly not a Hitchcock) and it has believable characters (for the most part) and as you say the effects were believable.

Personally I would have liked to have known a bit more about the character "Angel" and why he sent them there specifically. I thought that missed a great opportunity to open up the story and the suspense a bit more, but then again I suspect that is just the kind of quirky twist that fate would play in a situation such as this... I would put money on him having more of a role and explaining why, when and how if Hollywood does a remake ;-)

As for spanish cinema, if I am not mistaken "The Orphanage" was spanish wasn't it?. I went and sat in a major chain cinema and watched that complete with subtitles. It is the only subtitled movie I have ever watched in a cinema and had always planned to make more of a habit of doing it again (sadly fate had its own twist for me and I rarely get out these days). Often seeing a movie is an experience akin to a getting slap in the face that wakes you from a stupor when you see it subtitled and acted as the original director made it, only to be totally canned when Hollywood remakes it after throwing millions of dollars at it, proving that all the money in the world, having the best kit, access to the most incredible effects department and all the rest are no replacement for a great director.

So in short I would recommend this to any friend to watch and I would and dare say I will happily sit and watch it again.


I just watched this, and to be honest I was pleasantly surprised. I'd never heard of it, spotted it on Lovefilm, thought the premise sounded interesting and gave it a go. It's a quirky and somewhat hypnotic film. I very much enjoyed the characters, as they were human and not blatantly stereotyped. Sure, some of the character conflict felt a little contrived, but nothing worse than most films, and at least it wasn't overplayed.

I thought it was excellently filmed, and the pace was just about right. It didn't rush through things, and it didn't drag either.

I would've liked the characters to talk about the situation a bit more. Theorise and wonder, as people realistically would, but unfortunately they sort'f avoided talking about it. Some of the things happening hinted at certain ideas, but were never developed enough to make you think up your own theories (well, not enough, anyway). A bit of character discussion would've sparked that nicely. I don't mean I wanted 'answers' as such, but enough hints that you can start to theories yourself along with the characters.

As others said, I'd like to have learnt a little more about 'angel' as well.

Having said that, I still liked it. It was a nice alternative to the usual vacuous 'trendy' movies, and the dreadful low budget stuff where you just can't get past the poor production. Instead this was professional, slick, well acted, but not Hollywood. Just enough budget to do professional looking minimal effects where needed. It was a good film.



You guys think it's too bad? What about me...I come on here and nothing has been discussed for months.
Maybe that's a blessing on these boards.
I enjoyed the movie. Too bad it didn't get much attention. People will discover it a little at a time perhaps. Loved the cast and the scenery. I really don't mind ambiguous endings.
It's really disconcerting to see such a low deserves better.


I agree!


It was like that Shyamalan movie, the Happening. It was good at first and draws you in but it requires a satisfying ending and not an ambiguous one.


It's not ambiguous at all: it's the end of the world, pure and simple!

Anyway, I think that ambiguous endings add up to making up interesting films! However, I think that this ending was not ambiguous at all, but it's just my opinion.
