No Val Lewton !?!

Not one mention of Val or any of the films that he was directly responsible for. I would have been able to get past the constant irritation of the narration, and would have been able to see past some of the pointless films they tried to give great importance to, if they'd only mentioned Val Lewton's great contribution to the film world. Val was a huge innovator in film. Though he was credited mostly as a producer, he made several of the most "innovative" films of the 40's. Omitting Lewton from the Story of Film just shows the creators' ignorance when it comes to talking about American cinema.


I noticed many surprising omissions from what was mostly an informative and impressive series.

My two biggest gripes, personally, were the unfathomable omission of Max Ophuls (only P.T. Anderson and Stanley Kubrick's favourite director), as well as the statement about America supposedly not offering anything interesting in the 80's, beyond Spike Lee or David Lynch, also irked me.

There was a saturation of popcorn films in the 80's in the U.S. but if you look closer there were some gems that were made in the 80's like River's Edge, Last Exit To Brooklyn and Heaven's Gate and many more.

My two cents.
