We're on Chapter 8 right now...

Supposedly covering 1965-69. In his expected knock on Hollywood, it is mentioned that Columbia Pictures, as a sign of the wave of change, is sold to the Coca-Cola Company.

That didn't happen until 1982.

It ain't easy being green, or anything else, other than to be me


I'm just surprised he didnt say they were sold to Irn-Bru or refer to them as Sony Pictures then.

"Security - release the badgers."


The UA/Transamerica deal was within the time frame, and not mentioned. And the Paramount/Gulf and Western deal in 1975 was closer to the era under discussion than the Columbia sale.

But he did mention that WB was sold "to a company that operated car parks." The earlier Seven Arts merge was unmentioned, nor was Kinney mentioned by name.

It ain't easy being green, or anything else, other than to be me


Starts off with him saying that as the 60s were ending, Joplin and Hendrix died, as did Sharon Tate. I guess that was a Joplin impersonator that I saw at the Fillmore East in winter of 1970.

I guess one out of three isn't bad.

It ain't easy being green, or anything else, other than to be me


clore_2, I don't know how you are surviving this torturous thing, but I appreciate you reporting what is going on for those of us too weak to stand another sentence ending with a questioning tone.


Usually by the midway point, I resort to turning the sound off and relying on the captions. Man, this guy never allows a clip to speak for itself, he's so in love with himself that he forgets that the images can survive and would probably function better without him.

As to how I survive through it, well, you never met my ex.

It ain't easy being green, or anything else, other than to be me


Gotcha. Below is a conglomerate of my ex, in no particular order, which is the way he actually did behave, inconsistently.


My ex is a Borderline Personality Disorder type, combined with a touch of multiple personality symptoms. This comes from my son who wrote a paper on his mother when he was a psych major. We could never get her to admit she even needed to see one and we tried.

It was like dealing with a completely different person at the drop of a hat. Saying "Bless you" after a sneeze wasn't enough - she would get furious if you didn't say "God bless you." We all walked on eggshells.

It ain't easy being green, or anything else, other than to be me


Oh, well, sounds like we both landed on our feet after those experiences! Yay for us!


Yep, that's the right attitude. Just keep looking forward.

It ain't easy being green, or anything else, other than to be me


Saying "Bless you" after a sneeze wasn't enough ...
I once suggested to a colleague at work that since sneezing spreads germs, we should say "damn you" to sneezers. He liked the idea so much that he did it once in a while.

You gotta start off each day with a song ... even when things go wrong ....


We all walked on eggshells

Which reminds me, miy sister is coming to stay for a few weeks from tomorrow. Oh joy...

"Security - release the badgers."
