MovieChat Forums > Night Moves (2014) Discussion > Environmentalists - my theory.

Environmentalists - my theory.

After years of dedicated research I have come to the following conclusions:

Environmentalists usually have a successful parent (or parents) and are raised in a very nice and affluent neighbourhood. They go to good schools and although they are bright it soon becomes clear that they won't reach the heights that their parents did. They face a future of ordinary jobs with a limited chance of promotion and they have to get used to moving to a cheaper area - without their parents help they will probably never be able to afford to buy a house.

Faced with this life they "decide" to drop out and became a campaigner on Global Issues - I mean doesn't it sound better saying "I'm going green to save the planet" instead of "I failed my exam dad".

They are full of anger because deep down they wanted the great job and big house - If they had a chance of making serious money then we all know that they wouldn't give a 5h1t about the environment.

Unless the characters in this film die a graphic and disgusting death, I won't be paying to watch it. Also I'm willing to guarantee that they will push the mammoth lie about Global Warming down our throats.


Sounds like you are talking about yourself help


Is that you Pat Sajak? What is your stance on Evolution?


I didn't know Rush Limbaugh had an account on IMDB.

As for the global warming "myth", it's not a myth, it's just not what the media and cattle would have you believe. They are busy pointing fingers at each other when in fact it's a natural occurrence every few hundred and even thousands of years due to solar cycles. Literally everything that happens on this planet happens naturally through some cyclical event in relation to our Sun.

It's amazing how there are 7 billion morons on this planet worshiping some sort of god or deity when in fact they should be waking up every morning giving praise to our Sun for providing all complex life as we know it, because without the Sun we do not exist. There's no other way to look at it.

Our Sun giveth and our Sun taketh away.

High Their!


Right, then how do you explain all the extreme droughts and insane storms.
Show me the numbers, with the facts, when GHG was ever this high, show me the numbers and facts when the average temperature was ever this high.
You are either sheep (and stupid) or get your money (in)directly from GHG


Don't be a tool - asking me to explain droughts and storms as though the planet has only recently started to suffer with extreme weather.

The Global Warming myth benefits the people at the top and no-one else. Did you know Al Gore's woefully inaccurate and misleading "documentary" has been banned in British schools after a judge decided it was propaganda and every point made in it was provably wrong or misleading - Why was one of the world's most powerful men spreading lies and disinformation if there is enough accurate science that could be used? The scientists who argued against his theory were all fired - sound like a proper debate to you?

The Global Warming Groomers know that energy prices will double because of this scam - people are going to die and all because *beep* like you believe everything they are told to believe.

Investigate for yourself and see the bullying and underhand tactics used by the Groomers - If the science is settled then why won't they release their data? I bet every piece of evidence you produce I can prove it wrong - come on that's a challenge!


Who has more reason to lie, manipulate and bribe? Environmentalists or a multi trilion dollar industry?



The infamous hockey stick graph is the lie. I happen to predate it. All of my textbooks from when I was in school show fluctuating temperatures, including showing the solar cycles contributing to the rise and fall, ebb and flow of global temperatures. Complicated, but factual.

This constant fluctuation is in part is where the 'ice ages' and 'mini ice ages' come from. Think about that. I mean, really look at what you've been taught. How can you have ice ages if the global temperature is not prone to falling drastically? if there is multiple ice ages (and not just one singular icy past) it's already logically irrefutable that global temperature rises and falls to a great degree.

Literally, you've been taught two contradictory ideas, and somehow you swallowed them both.

There is even hard historical evidence to show greater temperatures in past times. Passage by boat over areas that are currently sheets of ice all year round, for example. Before global warming manifested itself by burning and replacing all our science books, it was understood that the last peak of global temperatures was around the times of Alexander the great, I think maybe 2600-ish years ago?(running off memory here), and was much hotter than today.

Suddenly, when Al Gore (a politician, which in pop culture is synonymous with liar for crying out loud!) put out his movie, there was a massive effort to rework and remove all reference to the hard science we've been presented for the past 100 years. Suddenly, the global temperature is predictable, on a simple curve, ever rising.. Simple. Visual. Very well marketed.

And you think it's normal, because you were raised on those textbooks, with their simple little dumbed-down graphs. You can't spot the lie, because you never saw the sudden change.

And FYI, there is a lot more money in the global warming thing. It's a multi-billion dollar industry at the moment, and the end goal seems to be the implementation of a global carbon tax (literally, taxing the air you breath) which would become the single biggest con scheme in the history of mankind. I'd laugh at how people are so easily suckered, but it's really not all that funny.



I used to be a vegetarian for ethical reasons, and I got into it because an old gf of mine convinced me. We went together for about eight years.

I noticed that she, and nearly all of the vegetarians we met, came from divorced families where there was a lot of conflict. I began to see that these people saw animals as a version of themselves, innocent tortured creatures. They would get very angry at people who ate meat and saw them as abusers.

That means it wasn't about the animals at all, but rather about a covert way to complain about unhappiness.

I believe that's the same thing you're saying about environmentalists. I stopped being a vegetarian because I believe eating meat is nature and not torture. However, I'm still not for certain very cruel practices and won't eat what they produce.

My point is that some points are based on mental problems these people have while other points are good.


I'm old enough to recall a toxic waste problem in a town called Love Canal. Greedy rich people who owned a company dumped toxic waste in the ground and it was killing, mutating, people. I haven't heard about a case like that in a long time, and that's due to people being concerned about the environment.

I don't see the need to wipe animals off the face of the Earth and make them go extinct over minor benefits to capitalism. Like, we don't need infinite beaver hats at the risk of killing every beaver in North America.

There's been environmentalists who are rational, see that some humans are greedy, and want to stop them destroying some resource, or just the natual surroundings.

I find that hard to argue with. For me, it's a case by case basis to see who is crazy and who isn't.


I notice not one person has taken up my challenge of posting the "scientific evidence" in support of global warming - I think that says all that needs saying.


Lol why would someone spend their time posting an intelligent argument with scientific citations on a movie message board in response to a rambling post that looks as if it were written by a developmentally disabled 12 year old? I am by no means an "environmentalist", but do you really think mature people form their belief systems based on the size of their house haha? Any neighborhood worth living in doesn't have sprawling mansions surrounded by empty space anyway, unless you're into suburbia. I really hope you're <15 years old or the 1st post just comes across as sad.


If you had done "years of dedicated research" you would have noticed the facts contradict every single one of your assertions. Even your assertions contradict each other, if environmentalists are 'bright' why would their failing exams be inevitable?

I understand that it is impossible for you to comprehend why someone would have a problem with a socio-economic system that is killing the planet's capacity to support life, it's because deep down you (not so) secretly hate life, and so indirectly go about that goal by defending a system which is doing it's best to exterminate life on earth.


Go read the IPCC reports and refute all that data.

I think climate change deniers can't accept the fact that their way of life is contributing to a terrible environmental problem. It is a psychological defense mechanism.


Can you not read?

This is about taxing the air you breathe - This is about big business getting paid not to produce! Are you so moronic that you can't see that?


I can read and I'm responding to the following statements you made:

"Also I'm willing to guarantee that they will push the mammoth lie about Global Warming down our throats."

"If the science is settled then why won't they release their data? I bet every piece of evidence you produce I can prove it wrong - come on that's a challenge!"

It is a fact that human activities have contributed to climate change and in no way is it a myth. There is broad scientific consensus on this topic. Please see this link for the IPCC report. I would like you to prove every piece of evidence in this report wrong.

You can have your political opinions but you need to stop denying the facts.


Oh dear - "denying the facts" lol I've seen the Groomer's "facts" and they do not point to man-made Global Warming.

You can tell it is absolute and utter *beep* by examining the following:

Why was/is the Hockey Stick used as a warning yet it was/is shown to be rigged?

Why was an Incontrovertible truth full of lies and distortions? Even today (after a court case proved it was lies and distortion) it is promoted as accurate by the Groomers. You lost in court yet still claim it's the truth - that tells me everything about the Groomer's mentality.

Why stop the debate? It's settled lol.

When will London be underwater again lol. In fact - all the doom and gloom predicted, when will we see it? I won't hold my breathe though as the Earth is doing just fine.

Yes we need to conserve our resources - but I'm happy knowing the scientists have exaggerated and lied because they want more funding. If you go against global warming then you never work again, hmmmm sounds like a fair debate. They lie because politicians and corporations (the people who decide if the scientists get funding) know that they can use the Global Warming myth to scare the public, raise taxes and put in more systems of control.

Right I'm off out for a BBQ - if it's cold I'm going to use my patio heater.


I totally agree with you that the hockey stick and an inconvenient truth are full of lies and distortions. But this is not the evidence that the actual scientists are using. The mountain of evidence is overwhelming that man-made global warming is happening. You can see some of this evidence in the linked report I gave you.

I am wondering why you have backed away from the challenge that you asked for? I've provided the evidence that you said you could prove wrong and you didn't even try to respond. Did you read the report? I've never seen a thorough scientific report that has been peer reviewed that concludes that man made global warming is a myth. Can you send me a link to this if you have it?

And we are not debating the politics of this. Just the scientific facts. Just because some individuals may have been dishonest does not mean the science is incorrect.


Sorry - was that your proof? You are easily impressed aren't you.

I know it's a con:

Why haven't engine sizes in vehicles not been limited?
Why is air travel subsidised?
Why aren't homes made to rip baths out and have showers installed instead?

Can you actually mention a policy which has cut fossil fuel use? Even picking wind power as a replacement means that we can't switch off the power plants, just in case the wind stops blowing, or it snows, or it's too windy, or theirs a problem with the turbine. For them to pick wind power tells me everything - it's just a scam!

We're safe everybody - tell me how paying more in tax helps the planet lol.


That was an example of the mountain of scientific evidence that supports my conclusion and directly disproves yours.

I asked for a scientific paper that was peer reviewed from you and you reply with the ramblings of a single non-scientist. From wikipedia "Critics of Coleman have questioned his lack of academic credentials, journalism degree, and note that he has not conducted actual research in the area of climate change"

Lets compare our two links.

IPCC report:
Written by dozens of actual climate scientists
Scientists are from separate research groups from around the entire world
Peer reviewed
Uses data to support conclusions

Your link:
Written by a single person that is in no way a scientist
Not peer reviewed
Does not have a single piece data
No outside references at all for his conclusions.

Do you see the irony in calling me easily impressed here?

It seems that coleman at least reluctantly agrees that the scientific community as a whole disagrees with him. His explanation for this is that they are all being paid to support the global warming theory. Doesn't this just scream crazy conspiracy theory to you? Do you really believe that the vast majority of climate scientists around the world are lying and being deceptive? Or do you think that these scientists are just stupid and easily convinced?


Unfortunately you can throw "crazy conspiracy theory" into your post hoping people won't check but a simple google search will show you plenty of examples of scientists fired for not going with the Global Warming Groomers

I like this story the best You can clearly see the tactics they use - like you - go for the person and not for the science.

That's why I have to link to sites like that - the scientists are too scared to speak openly and honestly because they know that it will be a career ending move. Does that sound like an open debate to you? The science is settled - does that sound like an open debate to you? Stopping debate on all media outlets - does that sound like open debate to you? Belittling anyone who opposes Man-made Global Warming - does that sound like open debate to you? Ignoring any evidence that contradicts the myth - does that sound like open debate to you? Placing anyone who opposes Global Warming into the mad, conspiracy theorist camp - does that sound like open debate to you?

It's a con - anyone with a smidgen of intelligence can see through it. The whole policy is about placing more control on society.

Why haven't they implemented one change which will benefit the planet?



You're right - I have fuqued your mother (she was sooo dirty and did everything I commanded her to).
