
Why remake TPE? Can they do it better? I doubt it. Watch it turn out to be the pilot for a damned series where the hero keeps running back to World War II to make things "work out right". Oh, hey... FIRST POST!!!!! CKB


It sounds like a sequel, not a remake. Still I agree, this seems completely unnecessary.



Michael Paré is in this one too, hope he'll be more than the token cameo.

Fabricati Diem, Pvnc !




Paré is in it yes, but not as his old character. In this new version he is suppose to play a henchman.


because Hollywood has become bankrupt in the originality department...Just remake, re-imagine, regurgitate and people will eat it up.



Soooo, you're saying it's good, just 'cause all the other SyFy-movies suck more?


After finally being able to watch it here in Europe, it is by far the movie i had hoped for.
I had hoped they would have stuck much more to the original myth about the experiment, then just to discover, that they absolutely did not.
I can understand the very low rating it has gotten, because it is not a particularly good movie, its actually worse then the 80's movie.
