Filming in Seattle

Chloe has been posting on twitter the last week or so that she is filming this movie in Seattle. She has tweeted a few times about how much she loves Seattle. This is awesome seeing that I live in Seattle. Always nice to get some love. Sam Rockwell is in the movie. Wish I could meet him, he is one of my favorite actors.


I'm anxious to see this movie too because they filmed it across the street from my childhood home in Ballard (Olympic Manor) and also near my current home near Mill Creek, WA. The production company was stationed down the street at our local elementary school the week prior to the Fourth of July! Strange coincidence they filmed near my past home and my current home......


Ugg, awful smelly city. And their football team sux, too. Go Denver, 2014 Super Bowl Champz!

Werd 2 ur mudda, bruddafckka
