Kiefer sheds Bauer

Kiefer Sutherland nails Jim Cross in this movie. Those who keep saying he can only be Bauer need to see this movie. He's an excellent, versatile actor. I look forward to seeing him as an evil roman senator in Pompeii and even more so in the western he's going to do with his dad. Both movies shot this year.



Yes he is one of my favorite actors, mostly because of 24 but he was good in this one. I really liked his character and I felt that Changez wronged him. Jim took him under his wing and basically gave him the world yet Changez threw it away. Maybe I am cynical but all that deep talk from the Turkish publisher, did it ever occur to Changez that was him trying to prevent his business from being shut down?????????? And Changez fell for it, and Jim most likely shuts down the publisher anyway. And the conversation makes no sense when he has lunch with the publisher. It was purely a business decision to shut down the publishing house it had nothing to do with Islamic vs Western Changez and Cross had shut down inefficient things all over the world.


You are probably right about Jim shutting down the business anyway,. I think that Changez was just really conflicted about his entire life and he just needed to listen to his conscience. He was a very conflicted man. Jim felt betrayed at the end, but people quit jobs all of the time. Re Kiefer, I get sick of people saying they can never see him as anyone but Jack. He's way too good an actor to be pigeonholed that way. He was also really good in Melancholia and next year he has 2 new movies (Forsaken and Pompeii) as well as the new limited series 24 Live Another Day, coming out.


i really feel like he was casted to embed some Bauer-ness-ness. I only watched this film for him, and I liked it, and feel like its really related to 24 too (though everything feels like its related to 24 after seeing all of 24).


Jim was tough, true, but a completely different character. Others have said he was cast because of 24, ie fighting terrorists, but I think that was more a coincidence than a conscious decision. Would be an interesting question to ask the director.


Jack B ... sorry, Keifer ... was very good as Jim Cross.🐭
