MovieChat Forums > Perfect Sisters (2014) Discussion > For poor kids they sure dressed nicely

For poor kids they sure dressed nicely

If you're trying to portray a poor environment, a mom who couldn't hold down a job and them constantly being evicted, maybe don't dress them like models. Seriously, they had like 10 leather jackets lol. Did this annoy anyone else?


lol yeah i mentioned that to my girlfriend while watching the film, plus i don't think she could afford to be current on her life insurence or be responsible enough to do so.


they could shop at thrift stores, although the chance of finding 1 leather jacket, let alone "10" is unlikely.


You probably could find leather jackets at thrift stores, but you're not going to find that many super trendy and current outfits


exactly! its just a movie in which they get their clothes who knows where


The house and furniture were entirely too nice, too.


I was just think that too as I saw them setting up their bedroom. It is nicer than my bedroom.


I take it you have never been to the Bronx.

I teach there, and in a crappy neighborhood at that and the parents actually whine about not being able to feed their kids while wearing $100 jerseys.

I have to literally shield my eyes from the light reflecting from some people's gold teeth!

and for the most part, that is HOW these kids and families are poor!



A very typical and realistic assumption would be theft.

We've met before, haven't we?


You can get very nice things at Goodwill or thrift stores. My family isn't rich at all but we found name brand clothes sometimes brand new at Good Will. My son got a nice real leather jacket for just $5. While name brand isn't important to me at all I am surprised to see so many there price the same as no name brands. That's just how the store works.

Also keep in mind if people know you are needy they often give you clothes for free. We have a friend who gives us all of her sons clothes he out grows and they fit my son perfectly. She said she rather have the stuff go to friends than Goodwill.

I had a teacher who gave needy kids bags of her kids out grown clothes too.

So you can get free nice clothes from many places.
