
I am Dutch myself but without the subtitles I was not able to make out what they were saying in those two scenes where they are supposedly speaking Dutch. I read that they put in a lot of effort and got help from a Dutch lady but it was still really bad.

Also, what was the significance of it being Dutch anyway?


I agree, I am Dutch as well, and it sounded double Dutch to me! But it did not take away from the story in any way. Groete van Australia!


The trivia addresses that they weren't very good at speaking Dutch (the actresses, not the characters- although two young girls that "speak four languages, " one of them they made up, might not be the best Ditch speakers, haha). It even says that Georgie Henley is just speaking gibberish in parts of the movie where she supposed to be speaking Dutch.


I just presumed it was the language the girls had stated they had made up when they were young. Twins have sometimes been known to make up their own language as toddlers and continue to speak to each other in their own language as they grow up. I don't know if the real life girls actually made up their own language or if this was something that was added to the story by the screenwriters.


I also presumed they were speaking made up language.


Well the aunt obviously understood what they were saying so it must have been a real language.

~the greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return~
 

