MovieChat Forums > Kristy (2015) Discussion > I wish the director had stuck to the scr...

I wish the director had stuck to the script 100 % (SPOILERS)

Although the completed movie is very similar to the script for the most part, there were some changes. Some were good, while some were not.

In the script the motivation of the antagonists wasn't explained like it was in the movie, and that change almost brought the movie down, although I understand, it was probably done in order to leave the door wide open for potential sequels (which probably aren't going to happen).

The script starts with the aftermath of the finale which implies that Kristy died (which later on turns out to be false) and then goes back 14 hours earlier. In the movie we see that the killers are part of some cult. Thankfully it wasn't explained in detail, because even like this, it was almost too much information. In horror movies, less is always more.

Aaron's death was much different in the script, and much better than what we got in the movie IMHO. In the script, he also comes back to the campus, but instead of going after the killer girl, he encounters Justine who's banged up, and before he can complete the sentence, he's shot in the head by one of the killers. It could have been the biggest jump scare in the movie, but alas...

The ending was also much different. In the script, Justine fights with the girl much longer. The fight is bloody and vicious. In the movie, it's over in seconds (basically, before the killer girl can even react), and because of that the ending lost a lot of impact.

I still like the finished product, but I think it could have been much more had those changes weren't implemented in the shooting script.


Hm interesting. I'm glad they changed the boyfriend death, because they never used guns ever in the film would of been silly if they did all a sudden.

Yeah the ending for me was a little bit lackluster but the original one sounds even worse in my opinion and uninspired, I still do think there should of been more conversation before Justine lit her on fire though.


also if i remember correct Justine found was pregnant just before the cult started hunting her or something like that. I wish they could stuck more to the original script too but I also enjoyed the final story.


I read the script 3 years ago and I totally agree. Wish they hadn't made all those changes


I had heard the script was good, but wow was this movie bad. There's no character development and it's an hour of her running around doing stupid things -- running up the stairs so she is trapped on a roof? Hiding in a swimming pool?

It's like they tried to do THE STRANGERS without realizing what made that movie work!



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I forgot about that running up the stairs. That was so ridiculous. How could a director think that no one in the audience would call out that stupidity.


No, I like the movie as it is. Good thing they didn't stick to the original script. Anyways, why isn't there already a sequel out? And another one in the making?

We could have Kristy not working with the police, or killing these cult youngsters behind their back. It could shape up to be really interesting. Just saying. :)


Is there anywhere to read the script?? I loved the movie, would be very interested in seeing what the original script was like for it.


Mmmm yeah, This movie was definitely predictable but what you just explained wouldn't have made the movie any better at all. I thought it was quite obvious from the intro and the creepy guy whistling "Jesus Loves Me" that it involved a religious cult. Anyone with half a brain and a decent attention span would have figured that out. And ther's nothing wrong with a little info. If we never found out why they were after Justine, it would have just been a senseless movie with no motive because these "stalk & terrorize" movies are a dime-a-dozen.

Aaron's death was predictable enough but blowing his head off wouldn't have been that much of a surprise either. Would have been better if he lasted a little longer and helped her out before expiring.

Violet's death was unexpected. I agree it should have been a longer fight but the way Justine took her out, caught me off guard. More than effective. I would have preferred a little speech from Violet about how Justine/Kristy was being targeted and how she and her kind would be slaughtered, before she died. Then put the after credit scene before the credits. Otherwise I dug the movie for what it was. I hope they do some sequels.


I liked the way she just straight killed Violet. If you were in the situation you wouldn't waste time playing games. You'd kill that b before she could get a chance to kill you.


i liked it as it was.
