boyfriends truck

Ok. she gets in the boyfriends truck with a cultist on the hood. she drives and drives while he is smashing the windshield. she drives and brakes and drives and brakes and finally runs into a pillar.
THEN she gets out and shes a whole 100 feet from the rest of the cultists? WTF?


Not only the fact that the cult members were almost behind her after driving off a distance to crush a cultist on top of the car, but shouldn't Justine have taken that car and fled as fast as she could? I would've been out of there in a flash lol. She's brave. Most people would've departed rapidly.


I assume you mean why didn't she try to just drive off from the campus with the guy slashing at her opposed to purposely driving into the support to crush him? As the car was tanked after crushing the guy into the support. I would guess she just panicked and was just trying to get rid of the slashing guy asap as he was making headway on the windshield and she probably didn't want to risk getting hurt killed if she just took off with him on the car. The film depicts him as almost getting her right before she manages to crush him so if she hadn't resorted to that I guess we are to assume he would have made it through the windshield had she just drove off. Also on the subject of the topic that is by far the biggest gripe I have with this movie as no matter where she goes or how much distance she puts between her and them the cult is never far from her and/or they always find her instantly. Typical movie element but still really.


In addition I wondered why the airbag didn't go off and knock her silly. Then I saw it was a Range Rover and it suddenly became very clear the producers knew their cars.


The movie gave the impression she was driving fast then BAM... more or less a fender bender.
