MovieChat Forums > Justice League: Doom (2012) Discussion > 'Maybe I can move the earth out of the w...

'Maybe I can move the earth out of the way.'

Lol oh superman...


lol, that was fantastic. I also liked it when he was a sourpuss about Batmans contingency plan. "I wouldn't have done that to you, buhu.."

Me Norwegian, you poor.


I hate it when Superman is sometimes portrayed as such a dope/weakling by writers and Bruce Timm. When that happens, fans who hardly know the character tend to post messages similar to the previous two.

I don't blame you guys. I blame the writing.



Nah, I reacted to those two examples. Wasn't very Superman like, and I rarely laugh at the guy.

Me Norwegian, you poor.



I found that line ridiculous, to say the least.

If this version of Superman is powerful enough to do that, why couldn't he just stop the solar flare by himself?

I know it was supposed to be a comedic line but it just made Superman look like a doofus.



I know, right? They always have to make Superman look like a moron to make Batman look smarter. It's insulting to Superman fans and the reason why he's stereotyped as an "All brawn, no brains" type of character when his intelligence level is at least almost on par with Batman and Luthor's.

I'm glad they showed that Superman was able to overcome Metallo by himself but still, he got his butt kicked as usual.

And as for Superman's lines, the only good things he had to say were at the end when he and Batman talked and when he was tricked by Metallo into believing he was a suicidal reporter. The dialogue reminded me of "All Star Superman" a bit.

But yeah, overall, I tire of DC and Warner Bros. constant Bat-worshipping. I'd like to see other superheroes get a chance to shine.

Maybe some of that will change if the upcoming "Man of Steel" movie is a smash hit.


Batman's the best. That's all needed to be said.


Batman's the best. That's all needed to be said.

Moronic thinking like this is why DC has a hard time marketing characters other than Batman.

Nothing is true, Everything is permitted.


Batman's the best. That's all needed to be said.

Moronic thinking like this is why DC has a hard time marketing characters other than Batman.

Sadly this seems to be the case doesn't it!

DC have always had the potential to truly outshine Marvel but yet they just are spoilt sometimes by only marketing; Superman and Batman endlessly flogging that commercialized burnt out horse that wins their races. With only Batman being treated with any respect at all though. All they need to do is push to get other heroes under their belt out there but they fail to take the necessary risks that are needed to make that happen as a reality.

Despite the Wonder Woman animated film not being an immediate success, hey Warners? TRY TRY TRY AGAIN etc. And would it hurt to put; 'The Teen Titans: The Judas Contract' back on the production schedule for a DTV movie in development please?

All the excuses i've heard about that one being in development hell, all seems to really stem from massive egos behind the scenes realistically as to why its stalled for any notable production woes we as fans can try to understand the reasons its not taken off the shelf and being done as another potential DC animated DVD feature, in the near future.

Making Sense of DC's Film Projects (or trying to) mics/teen-titans/teen-titans-1980/teen-titans-the-judas-contract-dvd-2 007


Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown



Despite the Wonder Woman animated film not being an immediate success, hey Warners? TRY TRY TRY AGAIN etc

Really? It seems quite successful. It made more money then Green Lantern,Justice League Crisis, the crapily animated Justice League movie, Batman Hood, Superman/Batman/Supergirl , All Star Superman. So I would say she did quite decently

Hey i like WW too but much as we might like her, Bruce Timm has admitted that she didn't do well enough for followup movies to be made though.

Superman, Batman and Green Lantern have multiple movies in animation within the past couple of years or so with GL getting recently getting a live action movie and TV series (pilot's aired so far though?). Wonder Woman by comparison doesn't have all that, one decent movie doesn't translate to her being "over", so she'll get as many DTV features down the road. I seriously wish she did receive the same treatment GL getting levitak, but apparently thus far she only got that one movie and her strong standout role in; Justice League: The New Frontier to go on.

DC certainly has the potential and it does outshine Marvel when it comes to animation but with live action they suck. It's just that the Batman is really the only character that translates well in live action(although granted the only ones I know are from the Justice League cartoons) unlike with Marvel where they are really good at this

^So agreed! (*thumbs up*) .


Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown


you've put it really seems that the others except for batman, superman and wonder woman (if they ever took the effort of making a movie)are somehow weak personas for solo movies. it's really shame but i have to say i love marvel movies despite the fact that i don't especially enjoy marvel comic books. on the other hand while i love DC comic books and animated series, most of their movies don't follow my expectations (apart from batman movies, crisis on 2 earths, wonder woman and few others)



hell yeah, you're right with the writers...because well comic book is sth else than action movie. i liked the new frontier comic book but when i saw the movie which was exactly the same i was underwhelmed.

hey i think if they made wonder woman action movie it would be awesome...and even if it wasn't i would love it anyway!!!


They also need to put their movies out at the 100 minutes or 2 hours running time and seriously ditch 75 ot 80 minutes or so! How can 100 minutes or 2 hour running movies be vastly cost effectively different than something thats 20 minutes shorter or so?

Tintin is alright far as another fellow graphic novel & comics related character in the same fictional area Superman's from per se. But yeah i wouldn't mind seeing Warners taking some chances and putting their other heroes out on the big screen. Why haven't they taken a chance and put out a theatrical style animated Justice League movie soon after the series ended back in 2006 for example, i just don't know?

Everyone at some time or other seen the vast potential Warners had with their DC Universe movies on DTV and for them to be released in theaters instead.

Make'em into longer movies and they'd be perfect for theatrical releases.

Or if they took a page out of the DC Universe introduction pre-credits/prologue video and made a JL movie in 3D and CGI. They'd definitely grab people's attention surely enough and get huge audiences.


Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown



It's just that the Batman is really the only character that translates well in live action(although granted the only ones I know are from the Justice League cartoons) unlike with Marvel where they are really good at this


What it really boils down to is how the character is portrayed onscreen and how much it resembles the source material. Even Christopher Nolan's Batman films depart from the source material considerably and while they're great as films, they're lackluster Batman movies.

Green Lantern is well-suited for the movies (just read one of the recent stories if you have doubts). The movie is lackluster because the villain is a giant blob of yellow fear and Hector Hammond is horribly depicted...not to mention that some dramatically important scenes were cut out. If they make a sequel that's darker, more action-packed, and takes place 80% in space (with an operatic musical score), audiences will die with awe. You watch.

The problem with a live-action Superman isn't the suit, it's that he's never been given a villain to fight who equals or surpasses his strength. Throw in Brainiac, Metallo, Darkseid, Bizarro, Doomsday, Parasite, etc. and we'll see if the Man of Steel "can't really cut it."

Flash? Nothing special? The ability to vibrate through solids, run up walls, create whirlwinds, dodge objects, and fight in slow motion? Give him a villain in each film like Captain Cold, Grodd, or Zoom (hopefully in that order) and you may be on to something.

I've never seen the Martian Manhunter in the comics as a solo I doubt he would even be considered as the sole protagonist in a movie.

Wonder Woman has some great long as she isn't portrayed as a ball-busting social critic falling head over heels with a chauvinistic Steve Trevor (that part of the animated film never made sense to me). However, if they make Steve Trevor more silent and reserved, someone who respects Diana and actually helps restore Wonder Woman's faith in mankind, that would be fantastic. She has the chance to get a really brutal, mythological motion picture that makes her look even more impressive than she does in the comics.

But the real question is: will Warner Bros. actually think outside the box and try some of these things?

That's their main problem: fear.

They seem awfully afraid of putting effort into something other than Batman and Superman.

I agree that Warner Bros. is losing the live-action superhero battle, but to say that Batman is the only DC character that translates well into live-action is silly.



I think the most important part is how possible it is to fit the source material in the real world and how much the changes are possible. And what type of changes. For example X-Men was a great movie however if they had put them in the original costumes in almost clown like colors I am pretty sure it would have been a disaster. Spider Man on the other hand due to the way he moves and acts in the movie actually could own his costume but if he had moved like a normal human he would have looked silly

To some extent, I agree. However, the very idea of trying to create a "real world" in recent superhero movies is what's been ruining their costumes, in my opinion.

If the X-men movie had a very colorful looking reality that didn't resemble our world that much, those comic book costumes wouldn't stand out so much. Understandably, Marvel tries to take place in the so-called "real world" whenever possible (Miami, New York, Los Angeles, etc.) but that doesn't change the fact that these are fictional character we're dealing with.

DC shouldn't have to worry about that. And i think requiring the characters to fit "real world" expectations will make them look more stupid than they would in the comics. Nolan's Batman films for example take things so literally that you realize Batman really is just a grunting psycho in a riot outfit. There's no mystique or beauty in his apperance. As a Batman fan, I find it disappointing (especially considering that Batman's rogues gallery consists of characters like Man-Bat and Clayface which Nolan would call "too unrealistic").

With Green Lantern this would be hard because it's a brand new and entirely alien universe and the vast majority of the public would be completely unfamiliar with and have no point of reference.

A well-written, well-acted, and well-directed motion picture can introduce something new without requiring previous references. In fact, it can generate new interest in the comics because the movie is so good, so I disagree with you there. That goes the same for any comic book character, well-known or not.

Agreed however I think the suit is also part of the problem. Not just by itself (although that's a problem as well because frankly I think Spider Man is one of the few who can pull off original suit and that's mostly because of the way he moves) but it just makes him look too comicy. Makes it harder to take him seriously. But yeah villain and establishing a proper and believable universe are two of the hardest things with a Superman movie. In the new movie we have Zod so on the villain front at least things could be all right

Until I actually see some footage from Man of Steel of the suit in action, I guess we'll have to agree to disagree here. If the movie's cinematography is appropriate, though, it won't matter if Superman is wearing a pink cheerleading outfit.

Nothing special mostly because super speed is the slut of super powers. Especially lately. Everyone has been using the hell out of it. And sorry but I disagree about the villains. They seem really silly. However he does have the type of personality that translates well in live action

If everyone's been using the hell out of it, then maybe now is the time Flash would fit in the best, eh? And Flash can do so much more than simpy run really fast (as I previously described), he could make it look even cooler. The villains seem silly? Is it because of their names? Because last time I checked, Batman has villains with names like Mr. Freeze, Calendar Man, Man-Bat, Riddler, Firebug, and The Penguin? And somehow those are acceptable but Captain Cold, Zoom, and Grodd aren't?

I suggest you read some of the newer Flash comics. At face value, any villain can look silly. Once you know their background, things are different.

So far it is. In theory there could be others that translate well but all of them require a lot of effort,adaptation,money and risk.

No, NOLAN'S hyper-realistic Batman depiction has been the most profitable. This does not mean that Batman is automatically the only DC character who translates well into live-action. With that logic, I guess Batman and Robin "translated well" even if the film is an abomination. Batman's movies HAVE been done to death the most, but wouldn't you say it's because Warner Bros. was trying to find the most successful version? Again, it's not really about the character themselves, it's about how you alter them for the silver screen. Warner Bros. finally found a version of Batman that people really respond to. We'll see what happens when they have to reboot Batman, again...*yawn*

I think the Flash would be cheaper to make than another Green Lantern, Superman, Wonder Woman, or Batman film. He would be the one who would look the best in that "real world" you describe. And his villains are essentially mercenaries in specially-made costumes that use unique technology (Grodd excluded).

But yes, ultimately, it really gets down to how much of a risk Warner Bros. is willing to take. Who can tell what the future holds?



they made him look like a total idiot


Loved Batman's response too

"If I had week, I could tell you all the reasons why that's a bad idea..."

20 JULY 2012


The bane and blessing of Supes is his invincibility. Marvel has always relied on flawed charecters. Supes can destroy a moon, but at the same time, he has to be vulnerable enough to get killed by a one on one fight with a super villian. It's a writing challenge. Ive always advocated a deporwered Supes with the ability to bring on the strength in a crisis.

Im the Alpha and the Omoxus. The Omoxus and the Omega


I'm surprised no one recognized this as a reference to the old "Super Friends" cartoon show. Meteors are headed to Earth and the Green Lantern can't stop them b/c they're yellow (LAME!) so he decides to move the Earth out of the way. Afterwards, he doesn't move it back.

"There's always a tale to be told in the inn at the end of the world."


Yep, the movie in general seemed to be an homage to the Super Friends, in particular the episode where the villains make a pact with the Venusians (which I think is the episode you are talking about.) But what's funny is that the way they finally dealt with the solar flare wasn't any less absurd.


I think part of the reason the DC has struggled with live action films as opposed to Marvel is that DC character tend to have power that stretch even the believability limits of people going to watch a superhero movie. Lets take a look at one of the most easily quantifiable powers... Super strength. Marcel's top strongest character tend to top out at several hundred tons (excluding the fact the the Hulk has no real limit if he becomes angry enough). Meanwhile, DC has characters who can do a few dozen sets of all the matter in the universe before they break a sweat.
