MovieChat Forums > Dicte (2013) Discussion > Does this show Danish culture?

Does this show Danish culture?

Everyone sleeps with everyone. It is though marriage is not a respected institution in Denmark. Friends sleeping with friends ex-lovers, co-workers, etc...

Can any Danish or Europeans comment?


I'd be curious to know also.

At one point, the female detective was even encouraging her partner to ask a certain married woman out on a date...and he finally did so. She turned him down, but not because she was married, only because she was smart enough to recognize that her appreciation of him was not based on being attracted to him for himself.

In any case, it all seems to be handled very casually.


I have watched other Scandinavian tv shows and films and it seems this casual interpretation of monogamy is culturally pervasive.


This show depicts Danish culture as truly as "Cosmo" shows the everyday lives of real people. (IE: not at all).

"Dicte" is not so much a real detective series as a highly stylised soap with a detective-light flavour. The specific taste of the involved stylists is very palpable throughout. So much so that it suffers somewhat from "form over content". The series is marketed towards middle aged women, who may identify with the lead character and her female friends.

The stereotypical "strong, intelligent and independent woman" dressed in comfy sweaters and heels, forever sporting the same deliberately unkempt hairdo, cleverly combining a career with kids, and of course the exiting exotic lover (no 'boring' husband here), driving a quaint old Saab and living in Ikea-catalog interiors - where ladies rapidly approaching menopause talk incessantly about their desire to have a new baby with their latest lover... it's all a would-be 'politically correct' vision of an ideal lifestyle according to SOME people, who probably think their creation is highly fashionable. (It isn't). But nothing is there by coincidence, it's a deliberate collection of 'labels' intended to create a carefully composed 'identity' and lifestyle.

It's clever marketing strategy more than anything else, but one could argue it's a glossyfied idea(l) of a feminist society. For people who live in Northern Europe it's such a cliché it's almost comical. Do people like this exist? Sure, as they probably exist in every modern society, but the majority doesn't live like this. Most women do care about their appearance, not all viking men have turned into wimps, men and women are obviously equal, but not the same, loyalty is still a thing, and - surprise surprise - not all businessmen are crooks... ;)

In other words, the lifestyle is as realistic as the plot lines in this series, where a local paparazzo solves crimes the police can't, because everyone opens up to her like she's their therapist!

Forgive me if this sounds a bit harsh, I quite like British and Scandinavian detectives (the good ones*) and I did like the first few episodes of "Dicte" but especially since season two it's rapidly becoming more and more ridiculous, both plot wise and regarding the overwhelming amount of twaddle about domestic issues.

Anyway, I trust this answers your question. If not, don't be afraid to ask...

*NB: if you dig Northern European detectives you may want to take a look at series like Wallander, Beck, Luther, Lewis, Silent Witness and - last but not least - the excellent French policier Braquo, if you haven't seen them already. They're all significantly better than this!


Where/How can I watch Braquo?


I bought the Braquo series on Bluray from Amazon. But if you prefer a local shop, they probably can supply it as well.



PS, I see it's now on Netflix as well (In Europe at least).


In the US it's not "on" Netflix, but Seasons 1 and 2 discs are listed as "Savable." Unfortunately that could just as well mean that Netflix had the discs once upon a time and will not be able to replace them.

Maybe I'll see if I can access European Netflix streaming, then.


I'll add "Spiral" (French title Engrenages) to this list


Agreed. Engrenages/Spiral is also very good. Quite realistic, rather dark and raw, but also much better than series like Dicte et al.


Oh, good! I found Spiral on American Netflix.


You think that doesn't happen in the US? Generally Europeans are less hypocritical about sex.

Beauty is truth, truth beauty.


Well from my travels to The Netherlands, Czech and Germany. I can say that at least the women have a WAY different attitude towards sex then American women do.

They don't seem to have the huge hangups we do about sex. It is almost hard to explain. I think everyone needs to visit Europe.

I always have an amazing time over there. They seem to be more relaxed about life in general. When I come back to America I always feel like I jumped into a shark tank with 100,000 volts of electricity being pumped into it.
