Decent flick BUT !

Anyone else notice , the rescue boat going out in a major storm, in really cold weather and freezing water temps, and all actors are soaked but not shivering ? None ? Even the men jumping from the ship getting rescued into the same freezing water got on the rescue boat like they got out of a hot tub ! Too funny !!


Yeah that part seemed irritatingly unrealistic. It was already strange when the rescue crew went out and got completely soaked by rain, waves and the boat diving under waves (!) in a winter storm on a open boat without any protection or heating, holding up like this for hours without any problems. But it definitely took me out of it when they made the same trip back, slowly and with a bunch of guys who just jumped into ice cold water after holding out exhausted and wet for a day or so before. By the end basically everybody on the boat should have been closed to death and looked miserably under these circumstances..


Well, my gosh, what do you want them to do? Actually put the actors in such a situation? Webber was shown actually shaking when he took his hand off the lever. I took it that it was from the cold & nerves.
