No Smoking???

Did anybody else have an issue that it took place in 1952 and nobody was shown smoking. People would have been crushing Luckies and Chesterfields like crazy back then


Nope no problem at all.
It's a Disney film plus if that's your only problem with the film then it's a silly one and a picky one at that too. You don't need to show smoking in a film to define a time period.

"Some of the worst things imaginable have been done with the best intentions"


I understand that Disney is the reason why it was not shown. I admit it's picky but just wondering if anyone noticed it. It doesn't detract from the film which I thought was great


I noticed it, in fact I forgot it was set in the 50's and soon as the title card came up I turned to my friend and said there will be no smoking in this film. I understand times change and you probably can't realistically have Chris Pine or somebody lighting up and giving a thumbs up to the camera.

But not one single person smoking in the film is stupid, even in the bar scene at the start not even an ash tray, heck you could even have just a pack of cigarettes on the table, or somebody go to smoke one and drop them in the water.

It's probably the only thing that's still legal to do that you can't have in a film any more without jumping through some kind of hoop(s), and apart from the odd cigar once in blue moon I aren't even a smoker.

I'm still astounded that in Saving Mr Banks you see Tom Hanks putting out a cigarette in it, glad you started this thread.


I agree that not having anybody at all smoking is a bit incongruent.


I don't really see what the big deal is with having people smoke in films. it does not even come across my mind that people are not smoking regardless of the time period I go to see a film for the story not to worry about people smoking.

"Some of the worst things imaginable have been done with the best intentions"


So as long as the story is fine you wouldn't mind a reboot of Pride and Prejudice where every person wears a tinfoil sack? Because realism is waaaaaay down the bottom of priorities when you watch a film.

When I see a film from a period where about 85% of people smoked and not one person lights up it takes me right out of the movie, it's like slipping an iPhone in to a period drama, it's far fetched.

Properly read, the Bible is the most potent force for atheism ever conceived. -Isaac Asimov


You don't care about accurate portrayals of time periods, obviously. I guess you'd also have been okay with them wearing Air Jordan's and digital watches, right?


Theres a difference between tinfoil dresses (??) and air jordans being in the film , and cigarettes NOT being in the film.

It didnt bother me and I'm a smoker. I even paused the film to have one .


It's just like how you see movies from racial hatred days, where white people are all super nice to black people. Liberal Hollywood wants people to think happy, happy gumdrop feelings about how things were in the past.

But trust me, I feel you on your noticing stuff like that. But ya know, Disney.


Nicotine is more addictive than heroin, so I think it's better not to be pushing addicts' buttons, even if it isn't realistic. After all, the public was sold on smoking because of tobacco companies getting actors to smoke in the movies -- oh so glamorous! So I'm perfectly okay with not giving big tobacco free advertising.

Semper Contendere Propter Amoram et Formam


No F words or tittys, either.


Excellent point.

John 3:16
