Joe Purdy Song?

I think this movie is just is just ok. The story didn't speak to me as much as the music. I love Americana/folk music, so that's what made me interested enough to watch it in it's entirety. It's hard to find the songs from this movie if you're not sure what's what. Anyway the song is about 20 minutes in. It's in 3/4 or 6/8 time. I'm not sure, but it's a waltz of some sort. Song lyrics I caught:

Seems Joe Purdy is the featured artist, but i've googled the lyrics below and can't find the song.

"and I raise my tallest glass, just to see how long we last. We all fall down the..."

Anyway, what is this song? I love it...


Well...different strokes I guess. I thought the music pretty well ruined the movie. I'd never heard of Joe Purdy before, but I'm definitely not a fan now that I've heard his voice.

"Sing until your throat hurts, dance until your legs hurt, act until you're William Hurt."


I enjoyed this film, and I too, liked the score. But I have no idea about that particular song.

It's not what a movie is about, it's how it is about it. RIP Roger Ebert
