
whitney BOO, YOU WHORE.

...Checking how many f#cks will be given today... Sorry, no f#cks will be given today.



Except kalyn's not a whiny spoiled brat.

And no guy would choose a sloppy easy trashy whore either

...Checking how many f#cks will be given today... Sorry, no f#cks will be given today.



A little OT, but Whitney...I always thought she wore way too much makeup, had a big mouth, and the tattoos just adds to it. Then in the last few scenes, Whitney has not makeup, and I was like, 'Woah! Put on some makeup, Girl!' There has to be a happy medium w/the makeup...and hair. But this is all my opinion, and surface issues. IDK that that makes her a bad person. But, first impressions make most ppl form an opinion...No???
