MovieChat Forums > The Client List (2012) Discussion > A show about a WHORE that don't take off...

A show about a WHORE that don't take off her clothes during sex

LOL!!! if this happens in real life the client would be taking his money back

I never understand why they would cast actors who won't do the requirements of what the premise of the show is based on.

Its rare to see female actors as dedicated to their craft unlike male actors like Daniel Day Lewis


A whore who doesn't take her clothes off? That's why guys like me won't watch the show. Hewitt has teased men for over ten years. She is still pretty but no longer in her prime. I'm over her.


This is a show on a network that doesn't allow nudity, and it's about more then that. If it was on something like HBO and Showtime (which IMO would have been a better network for this because of the subject matter) then I'll say you have a point but it's not though and there is only so much that can be shown, it's not about who they cast.

Just got secretly engaged to the best guy ever!!


This thread is idiotic.

Lonely Chicago pie


It's on Lifetime, not Showtime. Why are on Earth would you think that that network would ever allow nudity outside of a random male butt cheek? Lord, people here are dim.


The OP is obviously an idiot. This isn't HBO or Showtime, it's Lifetime. You are not allowed to show full on nudity on a network like this. The only networks you can show nudity is on premium channels. Besides, if all you are looking for is nudity, then go watch porn. The show is about so much more than JLH taking her clothes off and showing off her body. And again, if that is what you want, go watch porn.

A whore who doesn't take her clothes off? That's why guys like me won't watch the show. Hewitt has teased men for over ten years. She is still pretty but no longer in her prime. I'm over her.

Like I said to the other poster, if all you are after is nudity, then go watch porn. You have to be an idiot to think that Lifetime will show full on nudity. Also, I can't stand when people say JLH (as well as other actresses) are teases. They aren't obligated to get naked. They are actresses, not porn stars. Stop being a perv. Also, if you want my opinion, JLH looks better better now than she did back in the day. I think she is one of the hottest women in the business right now!


Im with the OP you could atleast IMPLY nudity and actual sex I dont know a man alive that would pay that much for a hand job!! Flesh light is cheaper!


woah dude chill out....BUT have you forget that explicit sex scene in army Wives with Roland and that reporter...they should his whole butt! and it was very risque and raunchy. Life can do it but they are too stigmatized to actually portray her a real skank. The OP isn't an idiot and that is very bad to to say. They made excellent points that posters and even critics are asking.

Max and Angel's mommy


The OP isn't an idiot and that is very bad to to say. They made excellent points that posters and even critics are asking.
TVaddict55 is a troll who goes down the forums insulting anyone who has a negative critique to say about the shows and stars he's a fanboy of. Obviously he's too immature to use the internet forums and needs to grow the hell up before he can read here. Best to stick with a privately made fan-tard forum.

This is indeed not a fan forum. There are no mods who tell you to post only positive crap. This is a platform to express ANYTHING about a show: what you like as well as what you hate and makes you mad. If you disagree with someone trashing your favorite show, the mature thing is to either post your own opinion without attacking another's or, if you're too stupid to do that, then start your own damn thread but the moron that is the jerk trashing the OP prefers to go around calling people names so I was glad to take out the trash a couple days ago! He deleted his posts after I told the bitch off and reported his sorry ass, then deleted mine!

I couldn't care less what people hate on. If you hate what I enjoy, good for you for expressing yourself. I'm not a fantard and celebs don't pay my rent. I may like some but feel free to hate them, no SOMA! Equally, you're not the boss of me, so don't you get in my face when I express hate because that will backfire against you (meaning TVaddict here) every time.

I suggest you treat these trolls such as this idiot the same way: giving them a taste of their own medicine is the only way to deal with trash like that. Idiot didn't get it and called me hypocrite, LMAO! Don't think he'll be back for more, or else I got more where that came from!


Much more like what? JLH character getting drunk and being boned by her brother-in-law?


I'm sure Lifetime would let her show more skin but that's not who she is. She reminds me of burlesque dancers who were nude but some of them didn't show very much, it's called art.


Honnestly what did you expected? First, its a lifetime show. Second, Jennifer Love Hewitt is a tease. She's been teasing men with her amazing boobs for years. And you know she will never show them, wich obviously is a shame.


She's been teasing because she knows they look awful without something keeping them up. That's the sad reality for most females; they are nothing without support. The elite will gladly take it off.


This show probably would have been better off on HBO. The lack of raunchy did not help. I think viewers would have been OK with it. It was a good show but it was the storylines that got silly like her helping out her loser husband who had abandoned her and their kids.


Thankyou for the info. I don't want to watch this show if its just another soap opera, and lacks raunchiness.
