Q about the Cast

Supposedly Dumont shot this film in a real asylum with a supporting cast of actual patients.

Does anyone know more about this ? I am assuming he had to pay the asylum and the patients.

The patients were all real.
For example, Mademoiselle Lucas .. seemed too difficult for any actress to portray that degree of retardation.

Excellent choice made by this director. It makes the movie/story even more authentic and heart-wrenching.


There is a documentary on the French Blu Ray called Camille Claude 2012 which details the process of filming.


While watching the film, I did not know that actual mental patients were used as extras in this film. But that certainly adds to the value of the film. Some critics might say that the filmmakers exploited the patients, but I don't think so. I'm sure the patients had fun while doing it. Hell, some of them might even become movie stars, of sorts, and be used in other films where similar characters are needed.


Absolutely, I agree. It gives the patients more self.confidence and a sense of achievement.


In terms of their wellbeing, all the nurses in the film (who were nuns) were played by the real life nurses of the patients. Equally France has strict laws that would mean they were not in any way financially exploited.
