This has GREAT potential

Caranfil is a fantastic director and storyteller. Just watch Filantropica, Asphalt Tango, and The Rest is Silence, in that order. Farmiga is an Oscar Nominee and Mark Strong looks like a young Andy Garcia and he seemed to do ok as Lord Blackwood in the Downey Jr. Serlock Holmes. The storyline sounds good. For once, not another Romanian movie about how *beep* communism was, as if anyone needs reminders, but rather an action/thriller a la The Bank Job with communism as a backdrop. Should be great!


As long as the movie doesn't fall under massive plot-holes and the directing is acceptable...yes, this can be one hell of a ride!

"Come on, the guy was a wanker.
Yeah, but he was the youngest wanker on Earth!"



Anyone know if this is bbc or if it will be in theaters?


It has nothing to do with BBC...I think they didn't find a distributor yet.

Straight Edge is the only way to be free.
Rachel Weisz FOR Catwoman!



Latest word is that it will be released towards the end of this year.


Now that it has already been released, I need to admit that your intuition and feel about this movie are perfectly matched by what has come out. This is a great movie that I would highly recommend: great directing, wonderful performances, beautiful images, very good script, impeccable pacing/rythm. Everything shows perfect craftmanship to such an extent in this movie that I can hardly find the words to describe it. Wonderful surprise to all movie lovers that didn't know this director (Nae Caranfil), mostly due to the fact that he is from a country that is less credited in terms of cinematographic value or history. Like Cristian Mungiu, the winnner of Cannes, I believe he is a great director that manages to create films in perfect finesse, doubled by such realism that pertains only to the masters of film making.



"This is a great movie that I would highly recommend: great directing, wonderful performances, beautiful images, very good script, impeccable pacing/rythm. Everything shows perfect craftmanship to such an extent in this movie that I can hardly find the words to describe it. "

Good lord, woman, if you're going to be a shill for the movie, at least make it sound a little more realistic.


Can somebody praise a movie without being suspected of doing some sort of cheap propaganda?!
I simply liked it very much. You can disagree with me, I don't pretend by any means to be the detainer of the absolute truth in terms of movie criticism. I am no movie critic, so that is my opinion as a common, ordinary movie viewer. I may be wrong, seen from somebody else's perspective and we can agree to disagree. Isn't that what democracy is all about?!


It's the way you describe it that is a bit of a giveaway, not in a way a common, ordinary movie viewer would ever describe it.


Believe what you want to believe, anyway I couldn't convince you of the opposite if you don't want it... It's either the truth or what we want to believe ;-)




Diane Berger, what role did you have in this movie's production? Or were you perhaps you have a relative or friend that was an extra...

Regardless, the other poster is correct. Your description of the movie was full of bombastic hyperbole.
