Yet another flop

2013 is going really bad for Hollywood as list of flop movies keep increasing..


It didn't flop it made 80 million worldwide.


op is a troll hater, fail thread


The film did well internationally despite the disappointing domestic gross opening weekend.



Hate on what, I don't give a *beep* if it was a hit, but the fact is that the movie flopped. It opened at number 3 with only $18million and it's budget is over 100 million. Just read the article


It made 80 million worldwide though. Domestic gross isn't the only thing that counts towards the box office.


OP you are so pathetic!

You think Planet Earth is only America?

Never heard about France, England, Germany, Spain, Russia, China, Japan etc.


Yeah it didn't really flop. It under-performed.


Despite it’s pathetic domestic opening weekend, overseas will save it.

The real question is, “Will Sony still go ahead with a third Smurfs movie?”

WB is like a snail when it comes to adapting DC properties that aren't Batman or Superman.


In the UK, at the start of the Summer holidays (vacation) and a lot of parents are taking kids to see it as Despicable Me 2 and Monsters University came out before the start of the holidays. Nothing much promised this summer so I think the film will do well. Msw it today with a 5 year old and 10 year old who were both talking excitedly about smurfs 3. The product tie ins are working as well. I think it will also be a big hit in France as obviously based there but alsoSmurfs are very popular on the continent as they are originally from there

