MovieChat Forums > Man of Tai Chi (2013) Discussion > That Cosmos Palm Ability.

That Cosmos Palm Ability.

In this movie the protagonist Tiger learns an ability called Cosmos Palm. Now I'm not a Kung Fu expert I have this book Art of Chi Kung which claims it can teach this technique. The author's website is There are instructors to call. Years ago I called the instructor closest to me Gusty Vogel but I never met him, he's still like an hour and a half away. He said if I wanted to build chi quick or at least know what it is do the following set in the following order: 1) Lifting the Sky, 2) Pushing Mountains and 3) Carrying the Moon.

Now I didn't listen to him exactly. I was mainly into zhan zhuang at the time and there is an exercise the compliments pushing mountains that is a zhan zhuang exercise which, if done in the appropriate manner and added at the right time, is supposed to teach cosmos palm. I also added sinew metamorphasis after it cuz I like flexing too.

Well these are my feelings. First of all I didn't have an instructor but these exercises in that order made me aggressive. Second, you do feel some wierd energy around your palm that makes me a believer in cosmos palm after months and months but in practice I"m never going to learn it because it makes me mean. I'm going to stop. And it makes me mean like Tiger, you don't see it in a day but there is some underlying aggression from doing these sissy peaceful looking exercises.

Believe it or not, if you got like 15 minutes a day for a year, you can buy the book for $10 and find out for yourself. It's readily available on I already had experience to a degree with similar exercises but I wouldn't go past four months. Now in a couple weeks I would build up the energy quick. I used to do this to build up energy but didn't like the energy it was building. But yeah, I feel like pulsing heat and stuff in my hand after a couple sessions now with my experience. It also means it will make me aggressive quicker. Now I do other stuff but I'm going to keep it to myself because it appears good now but maybe after six months I could talk.... Make sure it's not having any side effects... Right now it might or might not.... I just can't say at my experience level. The above advice I know will mess someone up, but hey if they don't care they could learn that cosmos palm... Easy to do in theory hard in the real world....

Anyway I think the exercise Tiger was doing to learn cosmos palm was horse stance with that hand position. I think he made it up on his own and it was messing up his head and that's why his teacher said you need to learn a meditation other than fighting.

I hope Tiger keeps on making movies because this movie is good if you're like a Mac on It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia with this type of stuff. Doesn't make you an expert but you know as much as the guy making up his fantasy football team does about football, he gave me something to think about... Like who would intentionally want to learn to do something like this? It's something so powerful you'll never be able to use it. I was just doing it for energy but it wasn't my intentions, I don't think it was Tiger's either, but how you can you practically want to know this other than just out of some morbid curiosity?

I know i'm recommending it in a way but you can stop and then it goes away.
