MovieChat Forums > Holliston (2012) Discussion > My girlfriend's reaction to Adam and Joe

My girlfriend's reaction to Adam and Joe

She's not a horror fan and I had to explain to her who Adam Green and Joe Lynch are, horror directors. Her immediate response was "But they're not famous for acting, right?"

Adam and Joe really are pretty terrible actors. I like the show anyway though.



As much as most go to your girlfriend for professional criticism I'm gonna have to go ahead and disregard her informative take on this one. Adam and Joe are just playing themselves and they're surprisingly awesome and hilarious at it. I guess I expected them to be more awkward as I only knew them as directors before this- save for their Fear Festival shorts on line which are so funny! They carry the show as the leads and have to be doing something right to have the show hit and get a second season. I think they're both terrific and I really have newfound respect for Green as an actor especially. The emotional stuff between he and Corey in the first episode was brave and really got me (maybe because I've been there myself) and is actually what hooked me and made me love the show. Don't get me wrong, I laugh my ass off at all of the jokes and horror references too, but I actually care about the characters and I'm excited to see what happens with them next season. And the scene between Green and Lynch trying to confess that they care about each other but being too uncomfortable to say it out loud had me on the floor. So true! I can admit to strangers how much I love my best friends but I would never say it to their faces as that's just not what guys do! LOL! If your girlfriend wants to see bad acting, watch Jerry Seinfeld on Seinfeld or absolutely anything on ABC. Just because your girlfriend hasn't seen them before on her favorite CW show doesn't mean they can't act. I think they're wonderful in this show and I feel like my opinion is somewhat backed up by the fact that the show is hitting and continuing. If they weren't good the show would already be cancelled. Laura and Corey are both terrific as well. I wish i could know and hang out with these four people in real life as I feel like I already know them.

One negative criticism, if Adam and Corey don't get back together this next season it's going to tremendously piss me off. I've seen enough sitcoms to know that they're situation is a foundation for the show and all, but I find myself getting upset over it as they clearly belong together and watching Adam suffer is frustrating to me. Hoping that the commentary tracks on the DVD explain what is real and what isn't since the show is all based on Green's real life. Anyone know if he and Corey actually dated at one point or if they're together in real life? They should be. Adorable couple and their chemistry is authentic and sweet to watch. I know Green was married at one point but not sure if that's still the case.


Wow somebodies up someone's filmmaking ass!

reply laugh you ass off at the horror references? Why? Did you find the credits hilarious as well? Maybe someone who thinks horror references are hilarious is not the person to trust with a t.v. show review...


Adam and Joe are definitely both pretty bad actors that really lack any sense of comedic timing. The show has its moments, though. Especially around the end of season 2.
