
What was with the brands? im not a historian but i didnt think they branded their cattle hands on ranches. i can see the bandits branding as a brotherhood pact, but why would Slaters character believe that a short term cattle hand would have a healed XX brand.

I never thought I'd say this again. I'M GETTING THE PIG!


From wikipedia

The act of marking livestock with fire-heated marks to identify ownership has origins in ancient times, with use dating back to the ancient Egyptians.[1] Among the ancient Romans, the symbols used for brands were sometimes chosen as part of a magic spell aimed at protecting animals from harm.[2]

In English lexicon, the word "brand" originally meant anything hot or burning, such as a "firebrand", a burning stick. By the European Middle Ages, it commonly identified the process of burning a mark into stock animals with thick hides, such as cattle, so as to identify ownership under animus revertendi. The practice became particularly widespread in nations with large cattle grazing regions, such as Spain.

The unique brand meant that cattle owned by multiple ranches could then graze freely together on the open range. Cowboys could then separate the cattle at "roundup" time for driving to market.

My 30 round AR-15 magazine and my 50 round Thompson machine gun magazines are standard capacity magazines I have no hi capacity mags all my magazines are standard capacity, 30 and 50 round mags. My AR-15s are not assault weapons nor are they high power rifles, they are sport utility rifles slightly larger than a ..22 caliber (.223)


The OP isn't asking about branding cattle but branding humans.


it was pretty clearly punishment for one of the many exploits they had when they were younger...

they mentioned it several times.


I read about the San Patricio Battalion in the war with Mexico. Many US army men deserted and joined the Mexicans. The wounded survivors were hung when captured after a major battle. Many were Catholics who were disgusted with the way Mexicans were treated by the US Army. I read their leader had a D branded on each cheek. The US Army was later than other countries in giving up flogging and branding.

The D was supposed to be done to the face as close to the eye as possible without blinding the victim. In his case the brand was applied upside down by mistake. So, then he was branded right side up on the other side before they were satisfied the sentnce had been carried out to the letter of the law.

The San Patricios (Americans) are considered heroes in Mexico.
