
the guy isn't a doctor, has no knowledge of angel's medical history, yet the first thing he tells him to do is to spit out his lithium meds...?

and then he forces his "client" to do things he doesn't want to do..?

what kind of therapist is this?

first mistake of the movie and it's a big one.


That's the whole point. Tommy Carter was a fake. His so called book that he supposedly be about his experiences, is not even about his experiences. It's about his brother's near death experience. Tommy only agree to help Angel because he needed the money to give/buy off his brother.

Kades! [/love]


I wouldn't say Tommy was a fake, because he had the educational and professional credentials to do the work, but he was a fraud in the sense that he wrote this book leaving out his role in the accident as well as knowing about the death of the woman. Also, I don't think he was trying to buy off his brother because I truly think the brother would have taken that secret to the grave if it hadn't been for that forced "therapy session" led by Angel. But yes, I agree that Tommy only agreed to doing the sessions with Angel for the money for his brother, but more so out of guilt and owing him for all the times he stepped in for him. I definitely think he needed to not be so quick to take Angel off of his meds, without knowing about his background.


Agreed. ONLY Angel's psychologist/doctor should make that decision, and even they would not have had him stop cold turkey. That would be a criminal act...practicing medicine without a license. I bet at the end, he was wishing Angel was back on his med again!

If I had a dollar for every time I got distracted...Oh, look!! A puppy!!
