Amy is totally fake

She says she talks to dead people, but when you watch the show, she NEVER actually speaks with dead people.., i.e., has a conversation and in the middle of talking acts like an interpreter, you know, saying something to them then looking at Matt or the camera and say, " This is what they are saying"! She never does that. She walks in and says, I feel like they are ..... Or "they are standing there...". It's a total crock! She makes these STUPID looks on her face like she is having a mentally challenged moment. It looks ridiculous. Takes away any credibility whatsoever. Hey Amy, don t claim to talk to the dead when you really don't, you just think you interpret what they are saying, and also when you lose credibility, it's hard to believe that you and Steve do not talk before meeting clients. Also there is a camera that follows Amy and Matt, not just Matt's camera and they never acknowledge I is there which gives it the feel of a completely scripted show. Do not watch this show believing in integrity, watch it for the comedy! Come on Amy, give us another STUPID look so we can laugh our ass off at you!!! Since you laugh thinking people believe this Bulls&@t!!! LOL


Her facial expressions are! I thought I was the only one that hated them. This show is definitely only to be watched for comedic value!




If you would like to see proof that amy is a fake. Watch A Haunting "Cursed" this show aired in 2005. She shows up as an investigator who has to bring a medium with her. No why would a real medium need to do that?


Actually in that episode she mentions that she's a physical medium and I believe the other is some other kind of medium. Just because she use to be an investigator back then doesn't mean she's fake.


Yes, I remember that, too. She was a different type of medium than what the case needed. The other was a psychic medium if I remember correctly.


it's quite amazing to see that some people still believe in this kind of bs in our day and age. I mean, you've got the internet, educate yourself.


I do admit I posted before I watched the full episode. But I do still feel the other mediums seem to do alot of the same things she does now. Dont get me wrong I do believe in ghosts. I just dont know that I believe in ghost shows. I watch them for entertainment only.


It's not that I don't believe in ghosts, I just believe more in external manifestations of subconscious fear/desire, and misunderstanding/misdiagnosing stimuli in our body and environment.


Her facial reactions are sooo fake, her overacting is extraordinarily over the top, almost as if she thinks if she overacts so heavily, it will somehow seem believable... but it just comes off as cringeworthy.
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