MovieChat Forums > Inside Comedy (2012) Discussion > 'Just another Jew show huh???'

'Just another Jew show huh???'

You know what is funny about IMDB / Amazon that obviously we know who runs it, they take slurs about Catholics, Mormons etc. but you dare NOT touch the JEWS!

..and why not cause it is run by them.. I have no problem with that either OTHER THAN it is pure BS! If I say this show is a Jew Show it's anti semetic and it's not! I have commented on the Jon Stewart show cause I think he is just a big ole "Jew" and only like his own kind and ohhhhhhhh the flack we get for that.. But no where is that anti semetic? If he was mormon or catholic I would say the same exact thing just sub. the appropriate word instead of "Jewish"...

I grew up with many friends that were and my best friend when I was 14, Jewish and a great guy, now a well known doctor.. still kinda friends we grew apart, nothing to do with his culture though... had another best friend for 10 years Jewish and could care less even made it fun! so.... whatever you play the WWII
card sometimes too much, are we not yet over it? Can't go back in time and save 10,000,000 people! Sorry...

It would be nice if we could :)

->Tea Station<-

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& IMBD Admins Blow!


There is a special place in hell for people like you.


OMG seriously! Typucial J.. I sware! YES there is I am sure right below you...

But why for geeezzz sake when "Jewish" producers / writers and I will give you a perfect example: WEEDS! We have to learn almost every epsisode about the Jewish faith / culture? It's not even enough time for ANYONE to remember or learn what they are trying to get across or what they are trying to preach or tell or whatever? This show was that! I AM NOT JEWISH proud to say it as proud though as I am not anything else! It doesn't matter... and antisemetic, not a bit! My point is not antisemetism, my point is Jewish shows are lame, not enough time to teach the non Jews about the culture and religion... NOWWWWWWW if they are there for Jewish people then it's easy non Jews don't watch them as they won't make any sense!!!

As far as Jon Stewart on HIS show is he just anti EVERYTHING but Jew! I will say that then I am definitely being PC! HE is just a one off, a stupid failure and insecure about his own culture! LOL Tooo funny! come on the voice and his stupid immitation of Rabi's all the time? Oh yeah and he had to take off to go direct a movie in Israel this last year??? ha ha ha ha ha

->Tea Station<-

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& IMBD Admins Blow!


I am your Dr. and I prescribe 3 episodes of Seinfeld and 10 episodes of Curb Your Enthusiam to cure your anti-semenic distress. Mozeltoff!


HA HA HA HA! Seinfeld I never found funny! Jerry is an OK stand up comic..... and Curb Your Enthusiam is like all about the Jewish culture, but please get over youself there is no anti-semenic distress. Mozeltoff!

->Tea Station<-

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I couldn't care less.
& IMBD Admins Blow!


Oh if only his type were really against semen. That would help this world alot.


"typucal J"? what does that even mean? I'm not a "J".

Why is there so much anger in you? What's wrong with Jewish people? What did they do to you? Are you american or some palestinian? If your an american christian can you deny that our culture is saturated with christian icons everywhere we look, all our lives.

Can't you accept people's differences? Can't you live and let live? Why are you so threatened?

Would hollywood be any better if it were run by, I don't know, let's say Greek people? Would that be ok? Someone has to run it. I don't whine that nascar and nashville are run by rednecks. Or most fortune 1000 companies being run by wasps.

It must be sad to live day to day with so much anger and hatred as you have.


OMG! Really! That is your response back to me! I mean WTF! Dude/Chick whatever you are, ok ok ok! I firmly stand on my last message. There is no hate or whatever you are getting at, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE take your SEROQUEL XR® (quetiapine fumarate) prescribed by your doctor and DON'T go off them again! OK? IF you do, these voices you think you hear that are returning will get worse and then we will have to read about "jnatch" commiting suicide on here and that will be the most useless post to everyone. Trust me most won't feel sorry for you :( :( :( Not going to waste the time to respond to people who get off their medication(s).

Please CALM DOWN, take the Seroquel and quiet the voices.... Whew!

Glad that's over!

->Tea Station<-

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& IMBD Admins Blow!


you are certifiably insane


Beware of folks who preface their remarks with, "My best friend is/was Jewish/Catholic/Irish/Italian/Black/Asian..."--fill in the blank.


You know what is funny about IMDB / Amazon that obviously we know who runs it, they take slurs about Catholics, Mormons etc. but you dare NOT touch the JEWS!

If that's true, then why do they allow you to post your rambling, somewhat incoherent diatribes here? (Btw, I'm not Jewish, so don't bother trying to play that card.)

I know you're probably not smart enough to understand why your comments are anti-semitic, but I'll try to explain. It's because you use the word "Jew" gratuitously, when it has nothing to do with a proper critique of the show. It's a totally unnecessary adjective in the context of a critique of a show where some of his guests and co-workers are Jewish, and some are not.

Btw, you really seem to be fixated, for some reason, on Jews. Hmmmm.

The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits. -- A. Einstein


Well since I have been on here oh a total of since it was run by a University many many years ago I will ignore your ramblings.. and I could care LESS if you ARE Jewish... Many Jew pointed comments I have made over the years have been cut on here! many! the downing of Catholics is totally ignored on here UNLESS it is total hate and then mmmmaaayyyyybbbeeeee they might look at it... There are such shows as Jew'y shows, period! I AM GLAD AS HELL The Daily Show is gone! WHY you ask it is an awesome show run by a guy that is too intense on his culture (Judaism) for me a non Jew to be comfortable with. Anytime Stewart gets a Jewish person on his show it's like let's give everyone an education on MY culture. He does it every time, has to ask them about Jewish Holidays, what they eat then he gets into the Hebrew words only Jews understand and I lose the show.. It's almost every time and I notice he directs most of his guests that they let on to be in fact Jewish. You would not have a Catholic host doing that, nor a Mormon etc. Only a Jewish person (well most if they are Jon Stewart).......

Even HBO shows like Weeds, the Big C and I admit SOME education is GREAT on their culture, & I don't have a problem learning it, I have an issue when I watch a FAKE NEWS show to see FAKE NEWS not the host going off with his guest about the same holidays they celebrate and words I cannot pronounce. I've even seen the Jewish guests look Stewart in the Eye like they want to say "Can we get on with the REAL interview Jon intead of talking about our culture???"

Look you are a troll and I get it! not an issue this post is soooooo old I don't even care about it, good one posting a reply 2 years later, sheettttttt man!
Get a life how did even find it? trolling for things to bitch about I guess...

l8tr! LOL

-Tea Station-

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I couldn't care less.
BTW! IMBD Admins Blow!


Many Jew pointed comments I have made over the years have been cut on here! many!

If your posts get deleted, it's not because they attack someone who is Jewish. It's because you attack their Jewishness--and that is hate speech in most people's estimation.

Look you are a troll and I get it! not an issue this post is soooooo old I don't even care about it, good one posting a reply 2 years later, sheettttttt man!
Get a life how did even find it? trolling for things to bitch about I guess...

Wow, you are not only paranoid and hateful, but also not too bright--and you project your own trollishness onto others.

Since you can't figure out the simplest thing for yourself, I'll tell you that I came here because I am curious about how the show is received by different people. Being here two years after you posted doesn't mean anything special--except to your paranoid mind, perhaps.

You are clearly the troll, and it appears that you have a very unhappy life. Too bad.

The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits. -- A. Einstein


Clearly stated from a TROLL! Hate Speech my A$$! you are entitled to your opinions and I an CLEARLY entitled to mine! so whatever...

Umm ok sure, not a troll digging through 2 years of messages only to stir up 2 year old $hit from someone who may not even be able to respond because ITS A 2 YEAR OLD POST! A funny TROLL! OK so you have a sense of humor, still ZERO points for you, I think you should listen to Howard Stern! Oh wait you clearly do! LOL

-Tea Station-

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I couldn't care less.
BTW! IMBD Admins Blow!


Exactly! LOL

-Tea Station-

might not like what I post
I couldn't care less.
BTW! IMBD Admins Blow!
