MovieChat Forums > Banshee Chapter (2013) Discussion > Okay movie - but has nothing to do with ...

Okay movie - but has nothing to do with MK-Ultra

Minor spoilers ahead:

The movie started interesting enough with the news footage of scientists talking mind control and Bill Clinton officially apologizing for MK-Ultra, but in this case it's just false advertising.
If you take this kind of footage, then really show what MK-Ultra was / is really about. A real MK-Ultra movie would instantly shock this half-assed stairwell-leg-grabber into catatonia.

The itle Banshee Chapter could suggest, that this could be taken as being part of the side effects of MK-Ultra, as in MK-ULtra: the Banshee Chapter, but still. If you use that label, you have to deliver.

If it was supposed to suggest that MK-Ultra was stopped because of the Banshee effect (which it didn't, because it wasn't), then they should have put a little more effort into that line of reasoning.

It would have been enough for them to say: the CIA experimented with a dangerous drug and things went horribly wrong. There was no need to throw the label MK-Ultra into the mix, when it has nothing to with it.

Not knowing what it wants to be is the main problem of this movie. Case in point, using found footage as a mere gimmick. Another wasted opportunity, another thing on which the movie doesn't deliver.

I usually like an approach that doesn't keep too stringently to conformity. If a movie has found footage in it, it doesn't necessarily need to be found footage only.

If the found footage fits into the overall plot, fine. But here the movie starts out as some sort of documentary and not evene halfway in completely forgets about what it was going for. That's just stupid.

The found footage material was a gimmick that was so quickly abandoned, that you wonder why it was there in the first place. The only real found footage was the DMT trip in the beginning and in the CIA test facility.

And the short little VHS tape fizzes, trying to be a reminder that the whole movie is supposed to be a recovered VHS tape is less than a lazy effort, because no one in this supposedly found footage is filming anything.

The thrid missed opportunity is the lack of character development. They could have had Winter's character become more frantic over the course of the movie, considering all the frightening things she encounters. But she's in and out of it. One second she's scared out of her mind, the next she acts as if nothing happened. Thus you are unable to take her serious, much less identify with her.
You're watching her thinking "As if she would go there, as if she would do that". If she is so stupid you could strangle her with a cordless phone, she shouldn't get away with it. But she does.
Because of that the movie fails to develop a real sense of threat.

And just as unrealistic as the behaviour of the character(s), is the behaviour of the agency that's tied to the movie. As if there would be no security whatsoever around a facility that's basically supposed to be Area 51. Af if the aliens would just let her waltz in there and kill one of them.

But even if I'm bashing the movie left and right, I still enjoyed it ...somewhat.

Taken out of context, some scenes have a great atmosphere about them.

Ted Levine's acting was superb and I really love his Hunter Thompson inspired character. He alone lifts the rating of the movie by one star.

I loved the sountrack especially "Girl in the window", and am glad to have found Mark Lenover's unique talent because of this movie.

The idead has a lot of potential. The basic premise of the movie is great. The execution not so much.

Better luck next time.


All I can see is an owl, but I know it's not an owl.


you sound unsure whether you know the true origins and widespread use of MK ULTRA in todays staged world.


Do I now? The origins of MK-Ultrauma have been lost to time. The earliest accounts date back to the ancient Egyptians. But I believe these techniques are even older than that. More importantly than the past is the present and the future however. Project Monarch. Nuff said.


All I can see is an owl, but I know it's not an owl.


So is this movie like Jacob's Ladder? Just a bad drug trip and the "demons" aren't real?


Well, if we were talking about the real MK-Ultra, that theory would certainly be an option. Through the use of various psychological triggers a person could hypnotically be programmed to see someone morphing into an alien infront of their eyes, or believe themselves to be aliens, but no.

This movie is pretty straight forward. If you want to use an analogy to other movies try Body Snatchers, because there are also aliens who take over other people's minds and bodies.

No MK-Ultra here. But because the term gets thrown around in the movie a lot, it will raise the level of awareness. Not by much, but some will google MK-Ultra to find out what this MK-Ultra is.

Let me give you a short introduction:

In a nutshell, MK-Ultra (aka Proeject Monarch) is a trauma based mind control technique where a subject is programmed into becoming whatever form the programmer desires. This is achieved through the use of torture of mind, body and soul.

When the stress on a person becomes too big, be it physical or psychological, a survival mechanism kicks in. The mind will split itself and create an alternate persona that will take the torture instead of the orginal. The person will believe that this thing is not happening to them, but to someone else. The victim will literally forget what happened to them, in order to be able to still function without losing their mind. This is called DID (disassociative identity disorder).

It is at that moment that the handler will program the new persona and mold it into the shape that is desired, e.g. a sex-slave, a spy, a killer etc etc.

It's an ongoing process where various torture scenarios are played through whereby a multitude of personas are created. It is basically a scientific formular to create a multiple personality (dis)order.

Each alter has a specific trigger programmed into them. When a multiple person is triggered (e.g. by a trigger phrase or password), the desired alter will take over the body and do the bidding of their handler.

That is MK-Ultra, or MK-Ultrauma, as I call it.
And that's why this movie has nothing to do with it.

An actual movie about MK-Ultra would be intersting, but it would be a very hard thing to watch...


All I can see is an owl, but I know it's not an owl.



The Manchurian Candidate is only one facette of the illuminati formula used to create an undetectable total mind control slave. There are different categories for alters e.g. Beta-Alters = sex slaves. Assassination alters like the Manchurian Candidate fall under the categorization of Delta-Slaves (similarity to delta strike teams are no coincidence). And yes, the horror that is MK-Ultraumabased mind control is beyond sick.


All I can see is an owl, but I know it's not an owl.


Of course not. It's just a horror movie loosely based on Lovecraft's short story "From Beyond". MKUltra is just a plot device.



100% agree.

I liked the headcrab zombie look they hinted at for the 'infected' people who I assumed were trying to rescue the trapped one but needed her help to get to it, maybe some kinda inter dimensional snafu when she blew it up :/


Have any movie suggestions that might be similar? Or more about the real MK Ultra? I liked this movie, although I'm still very confused, lol.


The Manchurian Candidate

That's as far as anything goes moviewise.
They wouldn't touch upon the darker stuff.
In a way maybe "Martyrs" from what I have heard.


All I can see is an owl, but I know it's not an owl.
