Theresa is a criminal.

So fake. She is a good sales person who rips people off. She should be in jail. She is one of the most disgusting person on earth just one step above a child predator.


You could call her an "adult" predator.


Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I think with many, many, many others, she has an ability. I have an open mind to
the ability to communicate with the dead. No one, not me or others can say it is possible or not possible.


She asks general questions and can come to conclusions. Is she real?


Well there was a test one of the TV shows did on her and she failed it miserably. I can say she is very good at marketing and "trolling" people. The name of the talk-show that tested her has faded my memory, but am sure it can be found easily on google search, when people are interested more of how TLC films her shows and about the test I mentioned. I.e. TLC will 1st ask the people if they are ok to be filmed and asked certain questions. So that alone shows that she does not "randomly find people she reads" on the show.

She is good at cold reading and has good deduction ability, must give her credit for that.


No kidding. Same cold reading strategies as an other charlatan "psychic". Why is it that "god" or "spirit" or the universe or whatever always pick the tackiest women to become "psychics"? It's always the ones with the ridiculous, deep-fried hair and disgusting talons for nails. Desperate people with no real talents in life, they have to feel special by pretending that they have magical powers. Please. People like this should be charged for defrauding others out of their money.


She's cold reading and warm reading. I, myself, was trained in these techniques and they are easy to spot. Unfortunately, she is able to get away with charging money for alleged psychic readings because the law can't prove a negative.

At some point along the way, many phony psychics end up accidentally convincing themselves that they really have some sort of actual psychic ability. I wouldn't be surprised if she's convinced herself that what she does is real.


Hell, she makes lots of money from it, and has a TV show. Not bad for a fraud.
