
only parts of the show ive seen are the commercials just saw one where this chick whisper's in the main character's ear about *beep* someone they silenced the cuss word .I love it .its about freaking time..i think out of everything else they could and should censor i think it's gotten to a point where we can start small and allowing cuss words .which includes every cuss word in the cuss word alphabet .it does them no good to tune out the volume can we can read lips ..when are they going to stop treating viewer's like stupid minors


Hey buddy - this is America. A fetus may be in the belly of someone watching the show. Is this how you want kids to be raised?!! haha

I gotta agree. I used to avoid watching movies on TV, because the things they cut out are often the things that make the film interesting, to me. But why do we need to hear explicit language? Because it sets the mood. It may make it seem more real. It somehow elevates the dialog in ways that bleeps, edits and substitutions DON'T. And I'm always amazed at 'standards' I have watched on TV, then later rented. OMG, they seem so much more natural with adult language!

I wish there was a language option, like 'english or french'. Even more, I wish we had a real choice in who was president...


It's supposed to make it more entertaining... It's tongue-in-cheek, like when a "family-hour" show bleeps out someone cursing and puts a little black bar over their mouth. It's pointless to write it FOR the cursing, so you write it for the sly humour.
