'I am Radio Rebel'

Please tell me that scene won't be in there? You know the scene used plenty of times? Where the actual person reveals their identity to a higher authority, but immediately a chain of revelations ensues? So therefore concealing the identity?

So, Tara is like, "I am Radio Rebel."

Person A, "No! I am Radio Rebel."

Person B, "No! I am!"

Person C-Z do the same.

And maybe even the ones opposing at first (the girl saying she has to be expelled or something like that).

It is too predictable to have it in there so I would prefer they didn't.

I saw a thread saying this was like 'Radio Free Roscoe' and I think they had this scene in there as well...

Did I say that? No.


Gah. I just saw the tv spot that shows this scene indeed taking place. Sigh.

Did I say that? No.


if you watch the scene and how it takes place int eh movie you would understand why. of course the whole thing with the principle is so lame and stupid. the principle wants to expel whoever radio rebel is and after she already exposed herself and principle is telling her she is expelled then everyone else says the whole "no, i'm radio rebel" and they go well u can't expel all of us so you might as well not expel her and that is the end of it.


Oh I did watch it and it played out just how I thought. It was obvious it was going to be to keep her from being expelled.

I just wish they hadn't put it in there.

Did I say that? No.


I am Spartacus.

No, I am Spartacus!

No, I'm Spartacus...


So at the end are we going to see Debby Ryan on a cross dying happy because her son will be free or she will make some friends and get the boy

The more you know who you are, and what you want, the less you let things upset you


The whole movie is a total rip off from radio free roscoe. The whole i am radio rebel was a rip off from season 1 episode 6 "i am question mark" from RFR. I think some radio rebel dialouge was from spother episodes from radio free roscoe
