Pointless dribble

After watching three episodes I have to say that this may be the worst show on TV.

A bunch of CA snobs invade a very peaceful island country. Instead of being thrown in jail, like they should be, they are more or less welcomed by the government.

The locals hunt whale as their main food source, the SS crew does not like this.

A few drunk teenagers shout at them.

There is a lot of scary music and quick edits, always followed by nothing happening.

That's the show. That's all there is.

Btw, I promise you that all of these SS crew members think that the American Indians were the greatest culture ever, without giving a second thought to the buffalo hunts.


You forgot all the bullsh@t lies

Btw, I promise you that all of these SS crew members think that the American Indians were the greatest culture ever, without giving a second thought to the buffalo hunts.

Well, maybe some. He already confronted tribes because they went whaling. He was equally shunned by them as he was in the Faroes.
Insulting, slandering, mocking, harassing and violently attacking societies you want to listen to you isn't exactly the best means to go about this.
They should ask Al Quada if attacking the US solved their gripe or just made it worse.


I assume that you are not a fan of animal lovers..


I suppose it depends on your level of batsh@t lunacy.

I am an animal lover myself.
I respect and have no issues with organizations like Greenpeace.

I do however draw a line with a group of psychos that break laws, endanger lives of people and the animals they're trying to save all while lying, scamming, and slandering everyone else. They gain no support except among the stupid while turning others against the entire animal rights cause.


nice one. agreed.

Who took my toast?


I don't know what you mean by lying, slandering and scamming. Any examples?


Jesus Christ.

Ok, Let's take the Faroes campaign.
"Watson has a warrant out" Yeah, one that expired just prior to their return...he hasn't been to the Faroes since the warrant was issued in '86. He waited for it to expire and used it as drama and make the bold claim "I'm not afraid of any warrants". He sure does seem to now that he's under arrest on one.

Bones of slaughtered pilot whales in that ravine. Nice set up. If the Faroes slaughter whales by cutting through the spine, your chances of finding skeletons so neatly placed, spines still attached to skull, is gonna be a no go.

That's a few of the lies this season. There was also the staged shooting in the Antarctic, boarding foreign ships and calling authorities to claim his crew was kidnapped, and the whole Berserk rescue deal where Watson goes to rescue it in the middle of fighting the Japanese despite the Berserk disappearing a week after the Japanese left.

Then there's this

And this

And his claiming to act under IWC regulations which the IWC disagreed to, which led him to change his claim.

Watson and his group are nothing but a propaganda machine that suckers money from the gullible
