halal diet?

So far after watching all the eps from ep. 3 to the most recent, I haven't seen much focus on the food. I think there should be more focus on this. I guess I'm just a foodie. When we were in Turkey we had a huge halal feast! 'Twas delicious.

Ok, the coach dad was grilling up some kebabs on one episode I'll give them that much.

Bring on the food!

Okay, okay it isn't a cooking show, but COME ON! More kebabs!


Kebabs, not kabobs


Ok... fixed! Kebabs it is! I actually knew that. However, I've seen it spelled kabobs in the States.

It's actually kebabs. That's how they spelled it in Turkey.


Oh yeah apparently it can be spelled kabobs too, my bad.
Anyway, there's no difference between a halal feast and a non-halal feast except a halal one obviously won't have pork. But its nice you like middle-eastern food, Persian is the best though.
