Feminist/Beta male *beep*

WTF kind of feminist double standard is this. Man cheats on woman he is a lying scumbag pig. Woman cheats on man he drove her to it, and should feel bad about indirectly hurting his wife by putting his concerns over her. Talk about cuckold projection, and trying to influence people into thinking cheating is ok as long as your a woman.


Wow, what???


When Lee everest confronts the stranger. One set of choices leads to Lee blaming himself for his wife cheating on him. Totally *beep* cuckold.


Moron you do realize he was fighting for his life right? He had to get the guy to buy into his sob story and get him vulnerable and off track long enough for Clem to hit him with the bottle


I forgot since I haven't played the game in a while. Doesn't Lee go to jail because he killed his wife and friend... or was it just his friend? Anyways, Lee was just grasping at straws there. You can tell he feels a bit of regret for what he did, but I'm not sure if he really believes it was his fault.


I believe he killed the guy his wife cheated on him with.
