Fruit platter

Did the fruit platter in the party scene look fake to anyone else?


Could everybody please stop making posts that seek validation for their desperate and pathetic goof-spotting ability? I love you all, but these attempts to elevate trivia to importance are really getting on my nerves, and my nerves are more important than yours cuz I'm almost 62 and could die any minute, you wretched children(!x1000)

POLL: fruit platter is fake or NOBODY CARES! No one has replied to you in almost a month, Mike, so STOP WAITING FOR AN ANSWER(!x1000)


Actually, I was wondering where all that great looking fruit came from in what appeared to be a desert.

Semper Contendere Propter Amoram et Formam


I noticed that it looked odd, too, mainly because who passes around a tray of bananas, etc., at a backyard cookout (like a barbecue)? But after I thought of it, this is probably setting the audience up...things people take for granted, maybe?
