When and where

The IMDB description of this movie is quite minimal. It does not say when or where it happened. I gather from the discussions here that it happened in Chile. I think that the IMDB description should say more than it says. I am watching the movie, they are at Day 12, but the only indication I have of when it happened is that the cars are relatively modern.

Can someone tell us when the collapse happened without spoiling the story?

Update: I am finally beginning to remember the incident, vaguely. I remember that one of them came to America and was on talk shows and such. I suppose that will be shown at the end, but I am relying on my memory of when it actually happened. So it was about (roughly) five years ago.


2010. If you Google "The 33" you'll get quite a bit of info.


Aug 5th to Oct 13th 2010

Jack Bauer is back in the White House
