can you say...


not saying its not a good thing he did that, but still the occasion
seems to relativize his seemingly noble intentions, especially when
releasing a movie about it lol!!! i know beatles and love pwns and all
that, but is this guy specifically known for his caring and selfless
nature, so that his image and narcissistic self are dictating him such
appearances or was his ny tour just a spontaneous emotional outburst of
a man suffering a mid life crisis? If a mid life crisis is something a
billionaire has to worry about that is...

i just don't think someone who belongs to the richest men in showbiz
should pride himself with performing free music. especially not if it
needs several thousand corpses for it to happen and has the long term
effect of supplying even more riches. i don't have anything against the
guy or rich folks in general, i love the beatles, their music and what
they embody.

im curious, maybe people who know the business better than i do can estimate. could paul earn more money with whatever flows into his pockets solely through the release of this movie than what he makes with a single show in a major us city?

maybe im just grumpy and envious, maybe the man had purely honest intentions in sharing the love, maybe you cant even expect anyone to have purely honest intentions. so dont get me wrong, i honor the deed itself highly and have not made my mind up about this issue.


Yeah, I'm sure Sir Paul is flat broke and need the sales of this film. I mean, it's not like he has the rights to all the Beatles music or anything. Do people still like/buy Beatles/McCartney stuff anymore?

PS: Have you actually sat down and watched this?


"grumpy and envious", you hit yourself on the head.



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And this isn't McCartney's film. It's a documentary by the legendary Albert Maysles. Man, are you off base.
