Awesome game

Really love the game! Puzzles, dating sim, puzzler, and nice anime cutscenes.

The actors did great in the roles, Catherine is twisted as hell! Worth a play if you haven't tried it yet.


I'm hearing a lot of great things about this one. Would import it early if it wasn't so expensive. Anyway, can't wait!

If the apocalypse comes, beep me.


I'd say I have the last third of the game to finish. As soon as I am done with it I will begin writing a screenplay for a film adaptation of the game. In the first hour of interaction with it I KNEW how you can adapt it to the big screen. It was a great feeling and it feels like a great project to undertake.


I'm almost at the end and I have to say I can't wait to start it again for a new ending (though I know I'm going to go into rage mode when it comes to facing Doom's Bride again).


I just beat the game and I don't think anything in the whole game made me as angry as that boss stage. But I got the good ending so I don't think I'll play through it again. Really great game despite some very very frustrating moments.
